Chapter 23: The Day.

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Five o'clock in monday morning. She's currently in the waiting area for transportation with her adviser, Ms. Chisa. She wanted to ask some favors first before leaving. "Since I wasn't able to say goodbye to all of them, please give this to Owari." She said and gave her jersey.

Chisa was happy but confused, "You're giving this to Owari-San?" She asked as the athlete nodded.

Y/N then handed Ms. Chisa a paper bag, "And please give that to Tsumiki. Tell her that I'm sorry."

The adviser grabbed the bag. And judging by its weight, she can tell there was a lot of stuff in it. "You're giving all this to Tsumiki-San? Is this what you mean when you say you have to take care of things?" She asked.

"It's like a payback, and thank you for her. Also, an apology."

"You really got to work on your social skills." She joked on her student. "Then, if that's all, I'll take care of this. Safe travels, young one!" She said and patted her head.

Y/N then called a taxi for Ms. Chisa first for her to go home. Then, after that, she called for a taxi and told the driver to head to the airport.

Seven o'clock in the morning, Miss Chisa arrived at Class 1-B. Everyone was already there. The class greeted their adviser, and she greeted them back. She then took Y/N's jersey and gave it to Akane. "She wants you to have this." She told the sportswoman.

Akane was confused. Why is Miss Chisa acting like Y/N died. "What gives? She's not dead, is she?"

Miss Chisa laughed, "No, silly. She's just reaching her dreams." She briefly answered. After Akane, she went to Mikan and gave the paper bag. "Y/N wants you to know that she loves you, and she's very sorry." She told Mikan.

Mikan was also confused by this. She was gonna ask her adviser, but Ms. Chisa went to the front, "Class, listen. I'm happy to announce that Y/N officially dropped out, and she'll now be living in the States." She cheerfully announced while almost everyone, except for Mahiru, and especially Mikan, was shocked. "Don't you guys think it's wonderful? One of you is out there." She exclaimed.

Mahiru turned to Mikan to see her reaction. Mikan was shocked more than anyone else. Mahiru knew that Y/N didn't tell Mikan the news just based on her reaction. She took a deep sigh and stressfully shook her head.

"That's good. Y/N always seemed to leave here, anyway." Sonia said.

Mahiru argued, or at least corrected Sonia. "No. She actually didn't wanna leave. She just didn't have a choice." Everyone was shocked upon Mahiru's statement. They know Y/N didn't like any of them. And they were wrong. Mahiru then turned to Mikan, "Especially you. She really didn't wanna leave you."

Ms. Chisa agreed to the photographer's last statement. "That's true. Just look at what she gave you."

Mikan opened the bag. She saw the stuffed toy she wanted from the carnival and some sweets. There were also a picture of them framed. Now Mahiru knows why Y/N asked for it. Mikan smiled and silently teared up. (A/N: The funny thing is that I'm listening to My Heart Will Go On as I'm writing this TT)

"She likes you, Tsumiki. The way you liked her." Mahiru stated.

After Y/N dropped off Mikan in their apartment, instead of going home, she went straight to the carnival. She played the game to get Mikan the stuffed toy she wanted. And because of her talent, it was pretty easy for her. She got the toy and went to the nearest shopping mall to buy a paper bag to wrap this. But she was a stall that frames picture. She got an idea, so she asked Mahiru if she had a picture of her and Mikan. Lucky enough, she does. Mahiru sent the picture, and Y/N printed it and framed it. Then she bought the paper bag.

After that, she went to a convenience store and bought some chocolates. She paid to the counter and headed home.

She then put all the things she was going to give to Mikan in the paper bag. Then, she texted her adviser about meeting her first before she went to the airport, and Ms. Chisa agreed. She now started packing her things. Putting clothes, jerseys, gadgets, everything on her suitcase. And after that she looked at the paper bag. She grabbed it and put it on the desk near her bed. She then laid down on her bed, grabbed her phone, and looked at the picture of her and Mikan. She smiled to herself.

I'm going to miss her. I love her. I hope she'll still love me even after this.

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