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The days for sportfest is finally over. Y/N is at Class 1-B's classroom alone since she's always the first one to arrive. Until this day, she still couldn't process what she did to Mikan last Friday, nor went to her mind what she actually meant.

Mikan then arrived and went straight to her seat. It was quite awkward. No one dared to speak. Y/N is still in her deep thoughts whilst Mikan is being ashamed of what she did last Friday and couldn't even look at Y/N because of that. The awkward silence broke when Mahiru and Hiyoko came in. Mikan sighed in relief as Y/N is still thinking.

"Is it just me or something happened between those two?" Hiyoko spoke in silence.

"Huh?" Mahiru responded.

"They're radiating awkwardness energy." Hiyoko explained.

"Oh you don't know? Last friday night, Tsumiki~San confessed her feelings to L/N~San but-" Mahiru is telling the happenings but Hiyoko interrupted.

"That witch rejected the pig?" Hiyoko said she smirk.

"Sadly, yes. L/N~San didn't accept Tsumiki~San's feelings. I feel bad for Tsumiki."

"She should've expected that. Life ain't a fairytale. You can't always get what you want." Hiyoko said.

Mahiru sighed, "I know. I just feel bad because Tsumiki~San got the worse rejection."

"Huh? What happened?"

"Well-" Mahiru was about to tell the whole story but the two girl got distracted when they saw Mikan go to Y/N.

"L/N~San, s-sorry about l-last friday... I didn't mean to-" Mikan wanted to apologize for having feelings but got cut off.

"It's alright. Don't mind it." Y/N said.

"Y-you sound sad... A-are you okay?" Mikan asked, concerned. But she didn't get any respond. "It's p-probably because y-you couldn't p-play o-on the finals. B-but don't worry you can p-play soon." She added as she holds Y/N's hand.

Mikan still didn't get a respond from the Sportswoman, but instead she just stared at the Nurse and then her hands. Mikan realized what she was doing, she apologized, and left. "No, Tsumiki- wait- nevermind." Y/N uttered

"Whooooo's theee beeesssttt Sportswoman? Meeee!! HAHAHA!" Akane shouted as she was going inside the classroom with Nekomaru behind her.

Akane saw Y/N with a gloomy expression, and without hesitation she went to her. "H-hey... Uh... Just wanted to ask if you're okay?" She confronted.

Y/N let out a sigh, "Yes."

"You don't sound ok?" Akane asked, concerned. "Is this about the game or-?"

"No, it doesn't have to do anything about that." Y/N said as she looks at Mikan. The two made eye contact but broke after a split second.

Mahiru and Hiyoko saw the whole interaction of the two sportswoman. Hiyoko is weirded out while Mahiru is smiling. "I love the fact that even if they despise each other, they still care."

"I think both of them are high." Hiyoko sassed.

The morning went fast, it felt like it was just a minute. The next thing Y/N knew she was eating lunch by herself and then coming back to the classroom as she saw Mikan crying with Sonia and Chiaki comforting her. "Mitarai-kun what happened here?" Y/N called in a stern voice.

He looked at you with a terrified expression, "E-eh? Well..." He hesitated and looked away.

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed making Ryota fall back a little, "Tell me!" She demanded.

Ibuki happened to overheard the conversation since she wasn't that far. "Mikan, You rejected her right. Is it true?" Her usual tone was never heard. "You see F/N, not only knives that are sharp nor swords which can slice effortlessly, Words can cut deeper as well." She tapped your shoulder as she walks in the room.

"Tch, are you that low Tsumiki? You've suffered more than this yet you're crying over a damn person!? Are you that low-" Y/N halted as you realizes what she said. She looked at Ibuki and saw her sighed.

"Thought you already change you witch? Guess a witch is always a witch." The small brat said. She was about to charge at you but Mahiru stopped her.

"Hiyoko enough!" Mahiru said.

Anger, disappointment, and worry was seen in Mahiru's eyes. Y/N left the room without a word. She's confused, angry, and guilty from what she's done. But before she completely went out the classroom, she glances at Mikan first. The Nurse's eyes were puffy from crying and the pain is visible. Then heading to the school's cafeteria right after.

At the cafeteria, Y/N ordered a F/D and went to the nearest table and sipped on the drink. She's still thinking of why she randomly got angry. But the Sportwoman is certain that is wasn't because of the Nurse's feelings. She was used to people confessing to her, and already saw those people who confessed to her cry after being rejected, but she didn't care. But with Mikan, she kinda felt... Bad? Felt bad for what though? For hurting Mikan's feelings? Or for rejecting her the worst way possible?


The day went on a blur. It is now dismissal. Y/N went to Mahiru to tell her something, "Koizumi-San, I wanna talk to you about something, alone."

"S-sure?" Mahiru was shocked with the sudden invitation.

"Okay. Let's go to Starbucks." Y/N said.

"Starbucks? That a little expensive, don't you just wanna go to the nearby café? It's cheaper and-"

"No." Y/N said in a cold tone.

The two left the school and went to Starbucks to buy a drink first. It was Y/N's treat. "About a while ago..." Y/N broke the silence.

Mahiru hummed in response.

"I... I didn't mean to yell at Tsumiki. I don't know.... But for some reason I got angry?"

"Maybe because she has feelings? Romantic feelings?" Mahiru responded.

"No... A lot of people confessed to me already, it's not new for me. But I didn't care if they were hurt after being rejected... But for Tsumiki... I felt kinda bad, y'know?" The Sportswoman explained to the Photographer.

"Wait... Did you feel bad for rejecting her or for yelling at her?" Mahiru raised a brow.

Y/N didn't know what to answer, she just stayed silent. Mahiru's question made her loss for words.

"Helloooo??? I'm still waiting for an answer." Mahiru said as she waved a hand in front of Y/N.

"S-sorry- I... Do not know..." Y/N muttered in a soft tone.

"Well, if you don't know or not sure, then I can't help you, sorry. I'll go now." Mahiru said as she left.

"Yeah, thanks." Y/N responded.

A/N my co writer edited some parts so I changed it

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