CHAPTER 8: The Rugby League

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There are no classes for today so you were preparing for your Rugby game.

"Who knew that L/N F/N would be playing Rugby this year?" Commentator one said.

"Yeah! But we should ready our ears for those loud cheers of fanboys and fangirls of her!" Commentator two said.

"The seller of her merchandise must've make a lot of money! A lot of people would be buying those!"

"Yup. And the designs are sick!"

"Oh look! The Soul Sirens are here!" Commentator one said, only one fourth of the crowd cheered. "Look at those body build. They look strong!" He added.

"Oi Haruko ~ Chan, have you heard that L/N's gonna play Rugby this year?" A member from the Soul Siren said.

"Yeah. But she's nothing. I'll beat her. She might be in Hope's Peak but that's only because she's good with all kinds of sports. She's not the best. Especially in Rugby. I'm better." Haruko said as she smirk.

"Oh look the Night Spies are here!" Commentator two said, but only one third of crowd cheered. "Oh look! It's L/N! She's finally here!" He exclaimed, the cheers grew louder. Fanboys and fangirls are screaming and cheering.

"Go L/N! Go L/N! Go L/N!"
"We love you L/N!!"
"You can win thiiiss!!" The crowd cheered.

You looked above you to see the the people cheering. You saw them wearing a merch that is a tribute for you. The crowd cheered as you look at them.


"I know there are no classes today but thank you for still attending so we can talk about the preparation for the sportfest. And since L/N is not here, Nanami~San you know what to do, right?" Chisa announced. Chiaki nodded.

"Good thing she isn't here! Finally peace in this classroom without that troublemaker." Akane said.

"Owari~San, you might hate her, but she's still your classmate. A friend. So you should still treat her like the way you treat your other classmates," The Teacher said to the Gymnast.

"I'll never get use to her," The Gymnast said.

"The two of you will get along someday!" Miss Chisa said, Akane had a disgusted look on her face. "Oh and by the way, where is Tsumiki?" Miss Chisa asked.

"Probably late again." Chiaki said.

"Or she could be at the game watching her lovely girlfriend play," Hiyoko said.

Chiaki tilted her head in confusion, "Huh?"

"Are you guys dumb!? Am I the only one who noticed that the pig clearly likes the hot headed witch!?" Hiyoko told everyone irritated.

"You guys wanna go see?" The Teacher asked. And the reactions are new, they didn't groan. They agreed.

"Can we watch the game too? I wanna see how good L/N~San play with sports!" Sonia said.

"Yeah! Me too! She looks like she's better than Owari~San!" Kazuichi said.

"WHAT!?" Akane shouted.

Kazuichi shrieked, "I was kidding! You're better!" He said while sweating.

"Come on guys!" Miss Chisa said and she lead the way to the field.

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