CHAPTER 21: Protector

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Friday morning, Y/N is headed to class. She just got better from sickness. Besides, she knew that she shouldn't waste time and chill since their exams were coming up, she had to learn the lessons.

She arrived at class. Mikan was, of course, delighted to see Y/N feel better. Without hesitation, she rushed to Y/N, "You're all better now!" The nurse cheered.

Y/N softly smiled at her, "All thanks to you." She said as she then patted Mikan's back and went to her seat.

Akane then went over to Y/N. She heard some gossip around revolving Y/N, and she wanted to hear from herself if it was true. "Hey, uhm. So I heard you beat up some guys the other day? Knowing you, it's not that far fetch." Akane asked, as the other athlete just nodded. "So, did you win?" She added.

Y/N nodded, "Yeah, of course I did." She proudly said.

Akane playfully laughed, "Hey, the next time you fight, call me. I'm always ready." She said while punching her fist on her palm.

Y/N just shook her head, "My fight is my fight, Owari. You've got nothing to do with it." She responded, removing the excited face from Akane.

"Hey, that's unfair!" Akane attested,

But Y/N's stubborn, she's not backing down either. "I said no."

Akane shrugged, "Whatever you say."

Now that Akane mentioned what happened that time, anger rose up to Y/N's vain. Who were those guys? She hates them. She was glad that she beat them up. Now she's gotta make sure they won't ever target Mikan again.

Time flies like a blur. Without realizing it, class is already over. Mikan already left the classroom, and without hesitation, Y/N came to follow them. "Tsumiki, I'll go with you til you get home safe." The athlete said to the girl.

The nurse was shocked and blushed, "T-Thank you!" She replied.

As they were walking, right outside the campus, they saw the group of boys again. Mikan holds onto Y/N's top, breathing heavily, scared on what'll happen.

The boys immediately recognized Y/N, "You're the bitch who beat us! Now, let's have a rematch!" He demanded, even signaling Y/N to come closer.

Y/N doesn't and never backs up in a fight, so of course, she's going to take them, "Tsumiki, go. I'll just catch up to you." She told Mikan,

If Mikan learned one thing from Y/N, it's being stubborn. "No, I'll stay with you just in case." She fought.

"NO! It's dangerous here." Y/N argued.

"Then let's run together." Mikan suggested,

"I can't -" Y/N wanted to argue back but got punched in the face. "Tsumiki, run, now!" She told Mikan, then positioned herself to punch the boy who just punched her.

Mikan did what Y/N told her to do. She ran and ran. Luckily, she saw someone who'd be able to help Y/N. "Yamamoto-Senpai!" She called the skater.

Jin noticed Mikan's rapid breathing. He patted Mikan's back, "Calm down. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Y-Y/N-san, she's in a fight right now." Mikan told Jin. The nurse pointed in the opposite direction, and without hesitation, Jin ran. Not so long of running, he found guys fighting. He went closer and was shocked to see who. He ran to tackle one of the boys. "FUKUDA! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He shouted at the guy. He then went to Y/N's dance partner and pulled him away. "YOU TOO, HARUNO!" He also shouted at him. The two were about to attack Y/N again, but Jin interfered, "ENOUGH YOU TWO!" And the two obeyed.

Y/N noticed that Jin knew the two, so she glared at him, "You know them?" She asked.

"Yamamoto, you know her?" Fukuda asked Jin.

Jin heard both questions. He looked at the two first and then Y/N. He only answered Y/N's question, "Yeah, they're my pals."

Both Haruno and Fukuda were shocked at Jin's answer. "How do you kmow her?" Haruno asked.

Jin looked down gently and shook his head, "It's a long story." He shortly answered.

When he lifted his head up, he saw Y/N now closer to him. She grabbed his shirt. The two guys were about to attack again, but Jin stopped them. "Tell these lowlifes to stop bothering me and Tsumiki!" She demanded.

Jin just nodded. "Yes. Don't worry. I'm sorry." He replied. Y/N let go of his shirt and left. He then looked at two of his friends with a disappointed face. "What did the two of you just do!?" He angrily said.

"Her friend's mad fine!" Fukuda said. Jin was disgusted with his tone. Without hesitation, Jin punched him, knocking him out. Then, he turned to Haruno. He put his hands in front of his chest, signaling Jin to not punch him.

Luckily for him, he didn't. Instead, Jin bumped his shoulder as he was walking away. "You're too soft for that girl, Yamamoto." Haruno said.

Jin turned around to Haruno, walking backward. "No, I just know basic human decency." He argued, turned his body in the right direction, and kept on walking.

Y/N is heading to the bus waiting area, and she saw Mikan there. She came up to her, "You waited for me." She said. The nurse just smiled and nodded.  "Thank you."

The bus has arrived, and the two hopped on. The ride was quiet. None of them was a talker, so both of them just stayed quiet the whole trip.

Y/N was the first one to arrive her home. She took a quick shower, fed her cats, then opened her TV, and was about to play Tekken until her phone rang. She took a glance at her phone and saw her mom calling her. Without hesitation, she answered it.

Y/N: Hey, mom. What's up?

Mom: Good news, sweetie! I booked you a flight! You can now live here with me in the States.

Y/N's eyes widened, shocked at the news. She was having such a great time with her newfound friends, but now she has to leave and restart. She can't cancel it. She can't blame her mom for setting this. Her mom just followed what she wanted. She wanted to go to the US to meet better players. The old her might've been happy about the news, but the new her, not so much.

Y/N: Oh, is that so? That's so great, mom!

Mom: Anything for you, sweetie! Love you.

Y/N: Love you too!

She hung up the phone. And just like that, she's going to have to leave everyone and live without them. Just as soon as she was getting used to it.

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