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TW: Mentions of death and suicide


"Nona! Aiko's here! I'll just play with her." Y/N said to her grandmother.

Her grandmother smiled at her, "Sure! Just get home before it's dark okay?" Her grandmother said.

Y/N nodded and went out the house to follow Aiko to the court.

Aiko and Y/N finally arrived at court and saw their other friends playing dodgeball so they joined.

The two were known as the best players of dodgeball and basketball. Aiko is called the "Chaotic Ace" because her personality is loud and a troublemaker, while Y/N is the "Silent Killer" because she was Aiko's opposite. She was quiet but very talented with sports.

When they were picking teams, the other player suggested to split Aiko and Y/N to split up because they would be unstoppable together. So they did.

Then the game started. They all had fun and just goofed around until when the sun is about to set.

By the time they finished playing, Aiko and Y/N went to get their bags. Only for Y/N to realize that she has five missed calls from her grandma.

As asual, Aiko and Y/N went home together, stopping by at Y/N's place first since it is closer.

The time the two got to Y/N's place, they both saw ambulance on Y/N's front yard. And on the stretcher the girls saw Y/N's grandmother passed out.

Realization hit Y/N. Her grandma called because she needed something... But it's too late now.

Y/N ran away from her home crying as Aiko follow her. And as Y/N was crying and running, she was in the middle of the road whilst a truck was heading. At this point Y/N didn't care. She wanted to end it there. But her friend didn't. So Aiko pushed Y/N, making Aiko got hit by the speeding truck. She couldn't believe it. First her grandma was ran in the hospital and now her bestfriend got hit by a truck.

Everyone in the road was starring at Y/N's friend while waiting for the ambulance. While she just stood there frozen. Twenty minutes later, the ambulance arrived.

That night, Y/N went home crying. She didn't know what to do. She just sat on the couch with her knees up while her knees rested on it. Then she heard a call from the telephone of family's line.

The doctor on the other line said that Y/N's grandma didn't make it. She just stood there frozen. "Damn! If only I've gotten here earlier nona would've been saved!" She angrily said to herself over and over.

A minute later, she received another call. But now from her bestfriend's parents. But sadly, the news was Aiko didn't make it either. "T-this is a-all my fault..." She cried.

And because of that event, Y/N wanted to quit playing sports. Even thinking of changing her hobbies from someone good at physical activity to someone who's good at games. No matter how many times her friends call her to play sports, she would decline.

But that didn't last long... Because when Y/N and her mom was shopping, Y/N's mom noticed that Y/N kept on looking at stores that sells sportsware. So Mrs. L/N confronted her daughter about it. "Sweetie (or whatever your mom calls you), you miss playing sports, don't you?"

Y/N slightly nodded.

"Why don't you play some again? I'm sure your friends miss you."

Y/N just shook her head.

"Sweetie (or smthng else idk), I know you're still sad that Aiko died. But think about it, do you think she would like it if you just quit? No, right? Why don't you play again to honor her? Mrs. L/N explained as Y/N smiled and nodded. Mrs. L/N smiled and kissed Y/N's forehead.

And because of what Y/N's mom said, she went back on playing sports. She did have a little break but when she came back, she still rocks it.

But her attitude changed. Back then Y/N was quiet yet calm and everyone around her feels comfortable with her. But now she's quiet and cold, which makes everyone get intimidated by her.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now