CHAPTER 22: Date?

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Saturday morning, 9 o'clock. Y/N's laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to process the news she got last night. Two days from now, she leaves. She doesn't know what to do. She is now feeling regret for deciding for herself too early. This is a lesson for her. To be patient. To give things a try first before deciding. She was too impatient, and now she has to face the consequences.

As she was staring at the ceiling, somebody distracted and broke her eye contact with the ceiling wall. Her dog licked her face. That made her get up and sit on the bed. Her cat then went to her lap and napped there.

Now, she's got two problems. One is leaving her new life behind, and the second is thinking where she's going to bring the two pets she took in. Who was going to take care of them?

There were so many thoughts in her mind that she just shrugged it off. She got up, watched her face, brushed her teeth, and then fed her pets. After all that, she cooked herself breakfast and ate.

Now that she's leaving, it also means she's dropping out of Hope's Peak Academy. She knows who to tell it firstly to. So, she messaged her. Miss Chisa.

She went to her room to get ready

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She went to her room to get ready. She did not wear anything fancy, just something that makes her comfortable. After getting ready, she made her way.

It only took her a couple of minutes to get to her Hope's Peak. And by the time she arrived, her adviser was already there. Miss Chisa saw her and greeted her, but she just nodded as a response. "What do you wanna tell me that's so important that you can't wait til monday?" Miss Chisa asked, tilting her head.

Y/N took a deep sigh, "I won't be there on Monday. I'm dropping out." She said.

Miss Chisa was shocked to hear the news, making her step backward. "Why? School is a great opportunity for you. You shouldn't," She told her student, trying to convince her to stay.

"Well, I'm not like dropping out completely. Just of Hope's Peak. I'm moving to a different country." Y/N's trying to keep her stern tone while she's delivering the news, but deep down, she hates that she's saying it.

Chisa smiled. She's happy to know that her student isn't dropping out. She's happy that Y/N would try something new. "That's great! You'll get new opportunities there!" She cheered. Y/N just looked away, which led to Miss Chisa being shocked because this was a pretty odd reaction from her. Chisa knows her students, and she knows how much Y/N wanted to go away from her classmates so badly. "Why the look? I thought you didn't like it at Hope's Peak?" She asked,

Y/N looked at her adviser again, "Only at first. I mean- yes, I wanna go to the States, but I also wanna stay here." She replied.

Miss Chisa tilted her head, "Isn't that good news for you? You always wanted to go to the US."

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