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All of class 77 is playing now at the monitor which was made by Kazuichi. Y/N is not in the mood to play right now. She is confused about what happened, confused on what she's done to Mikan who didn't even done nothing wrong to her. The thought of apologizing scared her, she knew what her classmates think about her.

Y/N saw Mikan went outside the classroom. She waited for a minute first then went to follow the nurse. Y/N sprinted straight to catch up, and luckily, she found Mikan entering the bathroom, so she dashed there.

"Tsumiki!" Y/N shouted as she's going inside the bathroom, she bent down touching her knees while breathing heavily.

"L/N~San?" Mikan said, turning to where the voice is. "A-anything I can help you with?"

"Uh- about the thing- you know I- the-"

She heard a little chuckle coming from the nurse. Y/N was stunned for a moment. Foreign feelings bursted from within.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. When I shouted at you without thinking,"

"I-It's alright,  I f-forgive you."

"Really? Thank you!" Y/N sighed in relief. "Friends?"

Mikan was shocked of what Y/N said. Sure she got friendzone but at least she sees her as a friend and not an acquaintance. Mikan teared up a little, "Yeah.. F-friends!" Mikan smiled.

"Are you crying?"

"N-no... I'm j-just happy t-to finally have a f-friend." Mikan explained as her cheeks turned red.

Y/N stood up straight, finally having control of her breathing. "Isn't Mioda your friend?"

"No- I mean- Y-yeah but... y-you're... D-different?... Thank you!"

Y/N nodded in response.

"A-anyway I'm gonna go to a stall now..." Mikan said, embarrassed.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Bye." Y/N said and left the bathroom, heading straight to their classroom.

Y/N got to the classroom and went to where she was seated before. Even though her head is already clear from the issue, she still not in the mood to play with her classmates. Maybe because she doesn't like any of them except the ones she talks to? She still needs adjustment.

"Hey! F/N~Chan wanna play game with us?" Ibuki came out of nowhere and asked Y/N.

Y/N jumped a little from the sudden call. She stared at Ibuki and shook her head.

Ibuki frowned a little, "Aw damnit! Sorry!" She said and slowly walked away with puppy eyes.

Soon, Mikan came into the classroom as Ibuki asked the nurse to play a game. The nurse agreed. Y/N watched the game her classmates played. But she started getting bored. Y/N took her phone and earphones out, plugged it in on the phone and wore it, played her playlist, and rested her head on the armchair. And slowly, she drifted to sleep.


"L/N~San?" Y/N heard someone call her from her sleep. "L/N~San?" The voice repeated. Realization hits her that someone was waking her up. She slowly opened her eyes, revealing a girl with uneven cut bangs with grey eyes.

"Tsumiki?" She said and yawned right after.

"I-it's already lunch... And I was wondering if you c-can eat w-with me since... You know... w-we're friends now?" The nurse asked.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now