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Y/N arrived at Hope's Peak while riding the skateboard. "Today's gonna be so boring since I don't have a game. Rest day my ass." Y/N thought. "But what if I don't attend?" Y/N added.

You grabbed your skateboard and started skating your way out of the school. But accidentally stumbled across someone you didn't expect. "L/N~San?" Someone called.

"Shit! It's Yukizome~Sensei! Can't let her get to me or else she will force me to go to school." You thought as you skate faster. But to devil's own luck, you almost crashed with a biker. But that made you out of balance, causing you and the biker to fall. "I'm sorry." The Biker apologized.

"Me too." You replied.

Miss Chisa heard the crash because it wasn't that far. She ran over to you. "Are the two of you ok?" Miss Chisa ask. The Biker nodded and got to his bike and drove away. Miss Chisa bent over as she reached her hand out to help you. You took it as you stand up. "L/N~San you must always be careful. Don't just skate without a gear." Your Homeroom Teacher scolded.

You nodded, "I'm going home if you don't mind. Bye!" You bowed your head and was about to leave but-

"What about your bruises? We need to bring it to the nurse. Then I'll let you go home." She said.

You turned around and nodded.

"Tsumiki~San!" Miss Chisa called.

"Y-yes? She responded.

"L/N~San has a bruise, you know what to do, right?" Miss Chisa asked and Mikan nodded. "I'll leave you two. Byee!" She waved and walked out.

You sat down at the nearest chair while Mikan went to get the medical kit. After gettin it, Mikan kneeled and treated your wounds, "W-what h-happened to you? D-did you had a f-fight again?" Mikan asked.

"No." You answered. Mikan wanted to ask again but she stayed quiet, afraid she might annoy you. But you still told her what happened, "Skateboard on the right, biker on the left, wooosh... boom! Blood goes brr." You explained.

Mikan giggled at the way you explained. "Cute." She tought. "It's d-done now. And y-yes you can s-still play." She said.

You stood up, "Thanks." You said and left the clinic.

As you were leaving, you stumbled across your rival in basketball when you were in middle school. Akiri Suzuki. She was holding a bag and wearing her trunk suit.

You glared at her, "I'll defeat you Suzuki~Senpai."

She smiled, "Chill. Our game is on the tenth day. But I'm looking forward it it." She said and walked away.

Y/N decided not to leave the school and went to the basketball court. Assuming her rival has a game this day.

She got to the court and she was right. The school that has the same jersey as your rival was warming up.

The game started and you heard the other team complaining. "They're letting us play with first years? This must be a joke!" You heard and saw the team of your rival put young ladies in the starter. They look young so they're probably first years.

As the game started, you watched every moves of team of your rival (Ichika Gakkou University). They were good. But you're waiting for Akiri, to see how good she still plays.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now