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It's six o'clock in the morning. Mikan was at a bus. Sitting near the window. She gazed outside, admiring the beauty of the venue. But something caught her eye. A girl running. She could already tell who it was. "L/N~San? Why is she running to school?" The nurse thought.

The bus arrived at the bus stop near the Hope's Peak. Mikan went out the bus and looked behind to see if Y/N was on sight. But she wasn't so Mikan continued to walk.

When Mikan arrived at the front gate. She waited for five minutes for Y/N to arrived. But when Y/N arrived, she ignored Mikan and continued to run. "L/N~San!" Mikan immediately called.

Y/N is not that far away so she heard the nurse. She stopped running and gained her attention to Mikan.

Mikan walked close to Y/N, "It's s-so early. W-why are y-you here?" She asked genuinely trying not to annoy Y/N.

Y/N looked away from Mikan as she glared at the blank space, "Gotta beat HIM." Y/N muttered and started running again.

"Huh? She looks desperate for a win." Mikan thought.

She heard running footsteps. As soon as she turned around she saw Akane running towards her. Good thing Akane stopped herself from bumping into Mikan. "Sorry about that Tsumiki~San! Gotta go!" Akane said.

"W-wait!" Mikan yelled.

Akane looked at Mikan and raised an eyebrow.

"W-what are y-you doing t-this early?" The Nurse asked.

"Warming up. I can't lose to THAT punk!" Akane exclaimed.

"W-who?" Mikan asked.

"Someone I battled with in Middle School on Track N Field. I'm better but I can't underestimate her." Akane explained.

"L-L/N~San is early today too. D-do y-you think she's doing t-the same thing?"

"Oh her? I don't care about that jerk. Besides, you should stop caring about her. She doesn't even appreciate your efforts and all." Akane said.

"B-but-," Mikan was supposed to say something but was cut off.

"Anyway, gotta go now. Bye!" Akane said and started running again. "She has a good side." Mikan just sadly said to her mind. "Why does everyone think she's just a cold hearted girl?"

Mikan just shook her thoughts and walked towards the school's clinic.

Fifteen minutes before the first game, Akane and Y/N finished warming up and went to take a break. Both of them went to Teru's stand, making them meet. "Oh it's you!" Akane irritatedly said loud enough for Y/N to hear.

"Yeah. Me." You sarcastically responded.

"Heard you went early to warm up." Akane said.

You ignored what Akane said and just get the drink you ordered to Teru. "Sasaki Aiko." You muttered.

"Eh?" Akane responded, confused. "How do you know her-,"

"Defeat her." You said in a stern cold voice as you walk away.

"Hey! Don't just leave! How do you know her!?" Akane shouted but Y/N still ignored her. "Tch! Damn that jerk telling me what to do. "dEfEaT hEr", why don't you defeat her yourself!" Akane angrily said to herself as she aggresively sips her drink.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now