CHAPTER 9/2: Training With The Reserve Course Students

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(Just wanna tell y'all that there are barely Mikan x Reader scenes in here)

Before going out to the court, you asked your friends that you'll borrow a ball because there is someone you're tutoring. You grabbed a taxi and proceeded to court.

You arrived at the court and was lucky enough because it's empty and you can practice peacefully without any hindrance. "Hinata~Kun faster!" You told him as he started running towards you. You four started doing warm ups. You let them run 3 laps including you.

After the warm up you assigned them to practice what they're not good at, Dribbles. At first they're good at using their dominant hand but they're not that good using their recessive hand but they still manage to do it.

After the basic dribbling, you taught them the basic passing and shooting. "All right show me what you've got, once you can shot 10 ball without missing you can have your breaktime and if you'll miss, you know what I mean." You told them and they start lining up.

Sato was first to have her breaktime and it took Natsumi three tries before she can have hers too. Then there's Hajime, "Hey! That's not how you shoot the ball!" You scolded him. He was startled, "I-im so-sorry!" You just facepalmed and walk towards him.

"This is how you do it?" You demonstrated it by using his hands on how to hold a ball while shooting. "This is how you hold the ball!" but instead of watching the ball hajime averted his eyes towards your leaning face. "Did you get it?" He was back in the reality and just nodded. "Then ok try shooting again." you were about to walk away when he grabbed you by your hand.

"L/N~San you should smile often, you're beautiful when you're wearing one," He smiled then averted his attention to the ball.

"It's none of your bussiness tsk!" You said without realizing you're forming a small grin out of your face.

Hajime finally had his breaktime. After a minutes of break time. You taught them dribbling while running. It's hard at first but they did manage to do it but it's not perfect. And a strict coach you are, you made them do it until they can perfect it.


"That's enough for now, let's take a lunch and don't worry my treat." The two of them became lively and cheered yay! You decided to order through phone because somone might use the court and you guys are still not done with the training.

But Hajime stopped you. "No need to spend money, let's just wait for Nanami~San and your classmates." You nodded and waited. After a several of minutes waiting they arrive. Chiaki was holding a bag of foods, Mahiru was holding a bag of drinks and behind them is Mikan. Mikan smiled at you but you ignored her and proceeded to eat.

After eating, the three of them continued their training. The ladies also watched them training. It took them too long to perfect yet not shooting and dribbling. "Yes!!" They cheered but a strict coach you are you broke the fun, "That's still not enough if you want to win the competition!"

"Nooo!" The three of them said. They didn't like on how many works you told them to do but they're still going on for the competition.

"Next is lay ups, anyone know how to do that?" You asked them but no one responded. You sighed, "Give me the ball." They passed you the ball, "This is how you do it". You stated dribbling the ball as you ran fast and jumped. You toss the ball the moment you were near the ring and it bended down the ring.

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