CHAPTER 6/2: Sleepover Pt. 2

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CW // Sorta dirty?


You were at the bathroom doing your skin care routine. As soon you left at the bathroom you saw Mikan with Max. She was actually waiting for you.

"U-Uhmm w-were roommates." She said. "B-but if you d-don't want to I can tell Sonia~San t-to give you another room." She added.

"Where is our room located?" You asked.

"J-just c-close to this bathroom..."

"Fair. I'll be your roommate." You said and then Mikan lead to to your room.

Akane stood in the doorway with her arms crossed while she watched you and Mikan go inside the room. Kazuichi happens to walk by. "Yow. Kazu! Wanna go to Sonia and talk about the roommate arrangement?" Akane asked.

"To Sonia~San!?!? S-sure... But is there a problem with the arrangement? You got a problem with Mioda~San?" Kazu responded.

"No. It's not about with my roommate. It's about Tsumiki~San and Y/N~San. I'm worried about Tsumiki~San. What if she beats her up?"

"Huh? Why would she? Pretty sure they get along. And Y/N~San wouldn't beat Tsumiki~San if she just stay quiet... I guess." Kazuichi explained.

Akane sighed, "I guess your right."

"I'll be heading to my room now. Night!" Kazuichi said and left.

Ibuki jumped out of bed and ran over to Akane. "Ibuki heard you were talking about Y/N~Chan and Tsumiki~Chan. Do you guys also think they're dating too like I do?" Ibuki asked.

"No. Was just worried about Tsumiki~San. I'm scared maybe Y/N~San would beat her up." Akane answered.

"She wouldn't! They actually get along along if you ask Ibuki!" Ibuki stated.

Akane hummed in response while closing her eyes. Then she immediately opened her eyes when they heard a moan from your room. Ibuki's eyes widened and pulled Akane close to you and Mikan's door. They heard groans and moans.

You moaned as you hold on to the sheets tighter. "Tsumiki~San please be g-gentle it. hurts!" You said.

"I-I'm sorrryyy!!" She cried.

Your stomach aches. And everytime it does you use something to press to your stomach so it wouldn't hurt. This time, you were lying on your chest while your other hand is on your stomach and asked Mikan to push on your lower back to press your stomach back and fort.

"T-that's enough." You said and Mikan let go. You sat on the bed, "Thanks." You added.

"You sure it doesn't hurt anymore?" Mikan asked.

"Still does." You coldly answered.

"I-I I know what to do." Mikan said and pulled out an efficascent oil from her bag. She layed you down and lifted up your shirt and poured some oil on her finger. "Where does it hurt?" She asked, you pointed where and she rubbed it with the oil and tuckled you on blankets right after. "I-it should be w-warm."

"Ohh... T-thanks." You gently said.

Before boredom attacks you, you get your phone and watched some videos of your favorite youtuber.

Mikan, however, she felt alone. This is one of the things she fears. Being ignored. She hates the feeling of you ignoring her. So she crack up a conversation. "Uhmm Y/N~San? May I ask a question?" She asked breaking the silence.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now