The Mist Returns

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Cole opened the door to a classroom and walked inside. He saw a corpse lying down by a chair and he walked over to it. Surprisingly, Cole had gotten use to the overwhelming smell of the corpses. He saw a name tag on the body and picked it up. Shin Aichi,17,Misato Municipal Brotherhood High, Class 3-6. "Goodness!" Cole got up and threw the name tag back. "That'll be me sometime soon. I'm getting nowhere to finding my friends and..." He turned around and saw another corpse. Before Cole could walk over to it, he heard a door slam shut behind him...and lock. Cole turned around in fear and saw a little girl in a red dress appear out of thin air. "Sometime soon," she sang, mimicking Cole, over and over. She began to cackle as Cole watched, terrified. "W-who are you?!" He asked. Then the girl stopped. "Wanna see your friends?" She asked. Cole's eyes widened. He nodded. The girl smiled and snapped her fingers. Cole began to hear a girl crying behind him. He turned around and gasped. "Colleen?" Colleen stopped crying and she began to laugh. Then Emi came into view. Cole smiled. "GUYS! IT'S ME!!" He ran over to them. "C-Colleen!" The two girls noticed him and screamed. He stopped. "Guys?" The two girls ran out of the room, separately. But instead of opening the door, they disappeared into thin air. Just like the girl in red. "...guys?"

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