David's Fate and The Stranger

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Yoshikazu continued to stare down at Aiko as she struggled to kick off the bag. He held his hammer firmly and he looked like he would use it any second. Struggling and crying, Aiko managed to kick the bag off, revealing a terrible sight. She gasped. In the bag was David, his head bleeding and his body was still. It took a moment for Aiko to realize what had happened, and when she finally did, she screamed. "No! David! No!" Tears were streaming from her face as she looked up at Yoshikazu with pure hatred in her eyes. "You monster!" she yelled at him, "David didn't do anything to you and you just killed him!" Yoshikazu just continued to stare at her. Soon, Aiko heard a groan. She looked down at David and he was the one groaning! "David!" She hugged the boy as she heard heavy footsteps walking out. "David you're alive!" "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" David asked. Aiko let him go then looked at him with a serious face. "Don't EVER run away like that again! Understand?" David nodded, then laughed. "What's so funny?" Aiko asked. "Well," he said, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you would like me. You know like like me!" Aiko growled then sighed. "How's your head?" "Hurts a lot, but I'm trying to ignore it." He looked down to the floor then behind him. "Hey Aiko, why is your shoes over there?" "Huh?" She looked over to where David was looking and saw her shoes on the ground. That's right, I threw them at that monster! Wait. Aiko looked around quickly. Did he leave? "I got it!" David ran to Aiko's shoes and picked them up. "Here." He gave them to her. "Thanks." She put them on. "So, what happened to you?" She asked David. "It's a long story," he said. After he finished telling the story, Aiko nodded.

Colleen backed up as the stranger was coming closer to her, limping. "Uh...who are you?" Colleen asked, still frightened. The stranger looked up, although his face wasn't visible in the dark. "C-C-Co..." The boy fell down and cried out in pain. He slowly got back up. "Colleen?" Colleen gasped. How did he know her name? Also, why did he sound familiar? "Wh-who are you?! Answer me!" Colleen yelled. "You don't recognize me?" The boy finally made it to the window's light. Colleen gasped. "Blake? Is that you?"

"Hurry up, Kishinuma!" Ayumi and Yoshiki was running down the stairs. "How am I suppose to hurry up? I got a kid on my back!" The girl from before was still on Yoshiki's back, as he tried his best not to let the legless girl go. "Well, speed up a little, okay?!" They finally made it to the first floor. Yoshiki spotted a classroom and he told the class rep to go in there. When they went in, Yoshiki carefully put the girl on the floor. She was still unconcious. "Now," he panted, "what's the plan Shinozaki?" "We still have to return this tongue to..." Ayumi looked at the ID again. "Yoshizawa? Yeah, Yoshikzawa Ryou. " Yoshiki nodded. "He isn't on the first floor though and who knows where that guy is now, hunting us down? He might be on the 2nd floor still!" "We need to find another way up," Ayumi said, " I think there is another one up-" "AHHH!" Ayumi's sentence was cut short from the scream of a little girl. The two looked down as they saw that the girl woke up. "AH! She's awake!" Yoshiki said in suprise. "My legs! MY LEGS!! THEY ARE GONE!" The girl continued to scream. "Kishinuma! We need to calm her down! The murderer is still out there looking for us!" "Hey! Little girl! Shut up! Do you want to die?!" Ayumi made a face at Yoshiki. "What?" The girl stopped, looking in horror at the two. "Who, who are you? Where am I? WHERE ARE MY LEGS!?" "Listen, my name is Shinozaki Ayumi and this is Kishinuma Yoshiki. We are here to help you. But we can't help you if we are dead, okay?" Yoshiki was amazed. The girl had calmed down, thanks to Shinozaki. "Why would you be dead?" she asked. "Because a mean man is going to find us and kill us if we aren't quiet, okay? Now can you tell me your name?" Ayumi could tell that the girl was still in pain, but she was taking it pretty well. "E-Emi. Emi Collins."

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