Aiko and David

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"Tenjin Elementary? We're in a school?" Aiko asked. "A school!" David exclaimed, "were'nt we just in one?" "Yeah," Aiko mumbled,looking lost in thought. "No there's no way! It's impossible!" "What's impossible?" David asked. "I read somewhere about Tenjin Elementary. It was closed down and demolished in 1975!" Aiko said. "Demolished?" David asked, "what happened?" "Kidnappings and Murders according to this sheet," Aiko answered. "Murders?!" David cried. "Don't worry," Aiko assured him, "this all happened years ago! Remember? 1975!""Yeah but still!Murders!!! As in dead people!" "Besides!" David yelled, "didn't you say this place was...I don't know...DEMOLISHED?!" "Oh right," Aiko said, "that's right. I forgot about that." " just said that it was demolished," an annoyed David told her. " I did?" David just stared at her with furious eyes, He was getting nowhere. "Hehehe, just kidding, I know! But you have a point, this place was destroyed." "Maybe we should look around!" David said, eagerly. "David? Weren't you just scared out of your wits?" Aiko asked him. He shook his head. " I was joking!" "Yeah right," she said, opening the nearest door. "It's dark out there," Aiko noted. David peaked his head out of the room and looked around. "Yeah, really dark!" he said, "I wonder where the others are." "I'm not sure if they are here, maybe they are back at home," Aiko whispered. As the two seventh graders walked out, a horrible stench filled the air. "Smells horrible," David said, holding back a gag. "Yeah," Aiko agreed. Aiko and David began to look around the halls until something had make David trip. "Ow!" he cried out, holding his knee, which was bleeding a little bit. " Daijōbudesuka?! Are you okay?" Aiko asked him. "Im fine," he groaned, "but it's bleeding!" "I have a band aid that I left in my back pocket," Aiko told him, reaching behind her, " I think it's big enough to fit over the wound." As she placed the band aid gently on David's cut, the two kids heard laughter coming from behind them. "What was that?!" David cried. As if on cue, three light-blue ghosts appeared behind Aiko. David screamed and ran away, kicking Aiko back in the process. "Agh! D-Daivd?! That hurt!" She cried, not realizing the threat behind her. Snip,snip,snip. "Huh?" Aiko looked behind her and saw the three ghosts, all holding a pair of bloody sewing scissors. Aiko screamed as the ghost of a little boy went up to her face. "My touhgh," he said. The boy opened Aiko's mouth, causing her to scream. "Foound it," he said, taking his scissors and opening it next to her tongue. Aiko tried to scream as tears fell down her paralyzed form. Suddenly, before her eyes, the ghosts vanished into thin air. A figure began walking towards Aiko. Scared, she began to back away slowly. The figure stepped into the light from the windows and revealed who she was. She was a teenager, who was average in hight, and had indigo eyes, black medium short hair, with two red hair rings and a red star-shaped hair ornament on the top left of her hair. The girl also wore a school uniform that consisted of a purple maroon blazer, a plain white shirt underneath, a red necktie, a dark blue skirt with a jacket wrapped around it, and she wore black socks, brown shoes, and red glasses. Aiko immediatly reconized who this girl was. "Are you...Naho Saenoki?" "Yes, I am," she answered, looking at Aiko with eyes like a dead fish. Aiko began to wipe the tears from her eyes as she looked in disbelief at Naho. What was the famous Naho Saenoki, high school paranormalist, doing in this place? Well, it is a haunted school, Aiko thought. "Are you okay?" Naho asked her. "Y-yeah. I'm fine." Aiko looked up at the High School student. "Did you do that?" Naho nodded. "Thanks," Aiko told her, "I'm a fan of your work." Naho smiled. "You are?" "Yeah! I think you are awesome!Anyway, what are you doing here? Is it for another investigation for your blog?" Aiko asked her. " I came here to find an important person. I didn't accomplish my task in the end though." "W-what?" Aiko gasped. "That's right, I'm no longer living," Naho said. "H-how?" Aiko cried. "I wish to keep that a secret," Naho told Aiko, "you should probably find your friend now, before he leaves you." That's when Aiko remembered David. He had ran away from the ghosts, leaving Aiko behind! "You're right, I have to find David," she said, "it was nice meeting you again, Naho-san, even if your dead." Aiko ran down the hallway until she encountered a staircase. It led downstairs and she could hear David's frightened breathing. Aiko ran downstairs as quick and cautious as she could, and she spotted David crying on the bottom of the stairs. "David!" Aiko called out to her friend. David looked up at his friends and his emotion filled with suprise. "A-Aiko?" he wimpered, "Is that really you?" Aiko held his hand and helped her friend up. David then gently hugged her, until Aiko moved his hands off of her. She crossed her hands and annoyance grew across her face. "What's wrong?" David asked her. "You kicked me in the face and left me to die!" She nearly screamed. "Aah! S-sorry! I didn't mean it! I was scared!" David exclaimed. "We'll talk about it when we get home," Aiko growled at him. She looked around at her surroundings. There was a wall at the end of the hallway and a couple of doors. There was also another hall in front of them, so she decided to look over there. As the two children turned around the corner they saw a horrific sight. "AAAAAAAHHH!!!" David and Aiko screamed. There was a corpse on the ground. The back of his head was smashed open, with what might have been a blunt object. There was blood on the ground and an outstreched brain on the ground. The smell was horrifying, like rotten foods in a small room, but ten times worse. The worse part, however, was that they reconized who it was. It was Colleen's older brother, Roger Brown. "Th-that's R-Roger...right?" David cried. His body began to tremble at the sight. "W-what h-happened?" Aiko gasped. She ran to a corner and began to vomit. The smell and look was a to much for a child to look at. "We...should move on," Aiko panted. Suddenly, they heard a scream. "ROGER!!NOOOOOOOOOO!" It sounded as if it happened right next to David. "AAAAH!" David screamed. When he calmed down, David began to whimper. "That sounded like Colleen!" He told Aiko. "Did she find Rogers's body?" She asked herself. "But wouldn't we see her here?" David asked.

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