Beware The Child Spirits and The Darkness

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Cole couldn't believe his eyes. What was he staring at? This wasn't here last time he was here. It looked like a gore feast had just begun. Cole was by the infirmary, staring in horror at what looked like a human exploion against a wall. Large amounts of blood was stained on the wall and floor, with meat either slowly gliding down,stuck to the wall, or sliding across the floor. The sight was horrific. What's worse, before Cole turned around the corner and saw it, there was a teenager taking pictures of it with his cellphone! As he slowly backed away, Cole swore he heard children laughing. Those three...He turned around and jumped back in suprise. Two blue girls, one missing an eye and another without a head, was behind him. "Ack!" he screaned. "He he he. Ha ha ha. He he he!" The two ghosts laughed. The one without an eye stepped closer to him. "Gihh it bahh," she said. "G-give it back?" Cole asked. "GIHH IT BAHH!GIHH ME BAHH MY EYEHH!" Cole began to panic, so he ran away, unfortunatly tripping in the bloddy mess on the ground.

Roger and Blake had searched the halls for ages. There was no sign of anyone. All Roger wanted to do was find his friends.The two boys had grown in hunger and thirst than when they first arrived. How long has it been? Roger thought. He checked his watch, but the entire device has ceased to work. The windows that showed the outside rattled with rain and wind, however no matter how hard Roger tried, they didn't open. Soon, delousional images flashed in his mind. Images of Blake,Colleen, and his dead bodies, how they would die, and how they would be alone. He was losing hope fast, although Blake seemed to try really hard to keep a good mode. "We'll be able to find her," he kept telling Roger, "and we will all live and escape this place!' It must have been midnight when the two boys heard a sign of human life. But it wasn't the kind warming welcome another human being would give to see another person, it was a scream. "Hey!" Blake said, "that sounded like that Cole kid!" "Well if it is him, then it doesn't sound so good!" Roger exclaimed. He turned to Blake. "Come on!" The two boys ran around the corner until Roger felt something run straight at him. He then felt the wooden floor poke through his thin shirt, as he opened his eyes and saw Cole, who had his eyes closed, and Blake looking down at them. Roger gently pushed Cole off of him,and the young boy immediatly opened his eyes. "Huh?Y-you're Colleen's big brother," Cole said, wiping off dried blood from his hands. "And you're the boy my sister has a crush on!" Roger said, before he realized his mistake. "Crap." "Colleen?She has a crush on me?!" "Whoops, I didn't mean to say that outloud," Roger said. "Hmm. That's okay. Hey, where is Colleen?" Cole asked. Roger stood up, wiping pretend dust off his pants. "We were just looking for her. We got seperated from everyone. Have you seen anyone?" Roger asked. "No, just you two," Cole replied, wearing a serious emotion, "but I'm searching for Tori, you remember her right?" "Yeah,"Blake said, "that athletic looking girl?" "Yeah," Cole said. "We should look for her together!And all our friends!" Blake exclaimed. "No," Cole said, stunning Blake and Roger, "I'd rather look alone.But I have a couple pieces of advice for you two." "What is it?" Roger asked. "Make sure you beware of the children spirits and the darkness...because both will kill you." "How do you know this?" Blake asked. "Because I've been here before," Cole said, as he disappeared in the darkness.

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