Roger and Blake

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Roger woke up with a start. He was no longer in his familiar surroundings of Williams Academy. He now appeared to be in a run-down building. It looked something like a haunted house. There were desks everywhere. A school? he thought. Roger tried to get up but soon crumbled to the floor. "Ah! Darn. My left foot. It hurts so bad! Ughh." He tried again, this time only going up with his right leg instead of the left. Roger leaned against the wall and looked around. This must be a school but it looks nothing like Williams Academy. The lights above him was shining down bright. "Where the heck am I?" Roger yells. He began to breathe heavely and notices something on the ground on the other side of the room. So, he begins to limp to a nearby desk to catch a good look at what it was.Roger's eyes widened. "Is that? Blake? Blake! Hey! Wake up!" Blake was lying on the ground, eyes closed. This isn't good! Roger thought. He tried moving the desks but they wouldn't budge, like they were super-glued to the floor. He then noticed a door on both sides of the room. Maybe I should go in from that door, Roger thought. After thinking for a short moment, Roger decided he should go through the doors. As he limped over to the door, Roger tried to remember what had happened. We had just preformed that charm Colleen told everyone about, he thought, then there was an earthquake and that boy, Cole, Blake and I fell down a pit. Roger's head jerked up when he got to the door. Colleen! "Is she alright? Where is she? Did she fall down the hole too?" Roger asked himself. When he opened the door, a giant blackness greeted him. "It's so dark!" Roger said. He began to walk up when suddenly he fell to the ground. "Ack!" Roger cried out as he landed on his bad foot. "Th-that really hurt." Roger sat down and took out his iPhone to use as a light source. As he examined his leg, Roger noticed that there was a red bruise all around his ankle. He groaned. "I need to get home soon, this thing might get worse," Roger mumbled. As he slowly got up, Roger noticed something sparkle at the slightest ray of light from his iPhone. So, he slowly limped to where he saw the quick flash of light. It was a key! I might need this to unlock the door! Roger thought. So, he limped towards the door and found that it wasn't locked. Surprised, he opened the door to Blake's side. Blake was still in the same state as he was when Roger first saw him, lying on the ground with his eyes still closed. "Blake!" Roger yelled, limping towards Blake's body. "Hey! Blake! Wake up! Blaaake!" When Roger got to Blake's limp body, he began to shake him violently. Suddenly, Blake's eyes shot opened and he quickly got up, bumping heads with Roger. "Aah!" they both yelled as Roger fell back. "Oh,hey,Roger!" Blake said, looking around at his suroundings. "What?No apology for scaring me and hitting my head?" Roger complained, as he got up, being cautious about his swollen ankle. Blake smiled. "Sorry." He then noticed Roger's cautiousness with his ankle. "Did I miss something?" he asked, "and where are we?" "I don't know," Roger said. He then spotted a piece of paper hanging off the wall. He walked over to it and began to read it. "What does it say?" Blake asked as he walked up to Roger. "I can't make out the words. It looks like it's in Japanese or Chinese. I can't tell." "Oh," Blake sighed, "so we don't know where we are. We have no food or water. And all our friends is..." He blinked a few times before asking, "where are our friends?" "I don't know that either... Perhaps Cole is here too. He fell down the hole like us right?" Roger said. "Oh! That's right! We fell down a hole during that earthquake!" Blake said, chuckling, "I'm suprised we aren't dead." Suddenly, a little girl's cry echoed through the halls. Roger imediately reconized the voice. "Colleen!" He ignored the pain that shot up through his leg and immediately ran out the hall, with Blake chasing behind. "Colleen! Where are you! Colleen!" After running for a while, Roger stopped as fast as lightning in the hall as he stared in horror at a corpse on the ground. Blake soon was right beside Roger and he also saw the corpse. They both gasped at the same time. "Is that human bones?!" Blake said in suprise."It is?!" Roger said backing away. "What is a human body doing here?" Blake cried. Suddenly, they hear a voice. "You...two..." "huh?" the both boys gasped. A blue flame appeared over the corpse. What the heck?Roger thought. "You two are new victims are you not?" "Gh-gh-gh-ghost!" Blake whimpered. "Wh-who are you?" Roger asked. "I was brought here against my will...and confined...just like you?" the flame said. "Confined? And why do you speak english if this place is Japanese or Chinese?" Blake asked. "Do you mean they're is no way out?" Roger asked. "I'm afraid not.This school exists in a reality all its own,cutt off from the world you know. And I'm from America just like you two." "How do you know that?" Blake asked, in confusion. " Japanese students usually wear uniforms and speak Japanese, unlike you two." The flame then began to slowly grow. "'They' brought you here.They're constantly bringing new victims into this school.More, and more, all the time.Sinless innocents, one after another." "This is a cursed multidimensional nexus...multiple planes of existence, all piled up on top of another...created by powerful, vengeful spirits.Closed space...or closed spaces...You, and we as well, are the unlucky victims of an inescapeable abduction." "Closed spaces?" Roger asked. "Indeed. And it seems that you two are not the only ones to have been brought here. I'm sensing numerous others." "What?" Blake said, in eager. "So our friends, my little sister, is in here too? How many came here?" " I don't know the exact number,but I do know that others were pulled into these spaces at the same time as you. They are definatly in this school," the wisp says. "Oh my gosh! That's such good news! Roger! They're all here! Which means Colleen is here too!" "However, you can not meet them."

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