The Black Mist

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Touko and Nokomi stared at the decomposing corpse of a girl. Tears began to fill their eyes as the two recognized who it was. "Oh my gosh, Yukari! What happened to you?" Nokomi whimpered. Yukari's body was cut in half, her eyes were gone and her tongue. "What are we going to do?" the senior girl asked her friend, Touko. "I-I don't know!" Heavy footsteps began to echo across the hall. "That doesn't sound good," Touko cried. "We should run," Nokomi told her. She looked at her dead friend and they began to run.

"Aaaaoooooooouuugghh...ooooouuuuuggghhh..." The two girls screamed as a zombie-like creature charged at them. Touko suddenly felt herself being pushed as the sound of a hammer hitting bones echoed the hall.

"Work together?" Aiko muttered. "Yeah! We can find your friends and my boss together!" Taguchi said again, "besides, I don't think kids your age should be out here by yourselves in a place like this." "Well..." Aiko and David exchanged looks. Should we go?, Aiko thought, he seems like a nice guy but I can't trust anyone in a place like this. David also had a concerned expression on his face. "Well, I'm sorry but we're going to have to say no," Aiko told him. Surprised, David stumbled back. His expression said everything. He said nothing,however, so Aiko continued. "We appreciate the offer very much but we don't want to get in your way." "Oh, okay. Well, do you guys want to meet again in about an hour?" Taguchi asked."Sure!" David immediately answered, glaring at Aiko.She rolled her eyes. "Okay, that's settled. You two take care of yourselves now, okay?" He then left the two kids in the hallway. Suddenly David's expression changed. "Why did you say no?" He furiously asked, "Shougo was a nice guy and you just turned him away!" "Huh?What do you mean! I didn't like him, and he was loud!" Aiko complained. "Your such a jerk at times!You know that?" David furiously stomped away,back to the direction they were originally walking. "D-David!" Aiko called out to him. His figure disappeared into the dark halls.

"C-Colleen, are you okay?" Emi asked, "do you need another joke to cheer up?" Colleen was underneath a desk,crying. The two girls had just wandered the halls and saw a little boy die right in front of them. Colleen was traumatized by the sight. "Here's one!" Emi called out to her friend,"how did the bloodhound chase the woman?" "What?" Colleen asked. "He center! Get it?" Emi began to chuckle at her own joke. "Good one," her friend mumbled. Colleen slowly got up from the desk. "Want another one?" Emi asked. "Sure, go ahead." Colleen said. "What did the snowplow say when his path was blocked?" "What?" "It's snow problem!" "Haha!That's so corny, Emi!" Colleen laughed. "See! knew I could make you laugh!" Emi cheered. The two laughed for a while until suddenly becoming silent, as the room got fatally colder. " you feel that?" Colleen shivered. Emi nodded. "Uh-huh." She looked up at her friend, when suddenly she began screaming. "WAAAAAAAAAAH!" Emi ran out of the room, leaving Colleen standing there, confused. She looked behind her and saw a black,human sized, mist coming at her. "C-Colleen," it said. It sounded like Cole. "Uuuuuh!"She jumped back, and slowly began to walk backwards. "Colleen!Where are you going?" The voice asked. Suddenly it leaped at her and Colleen ran out of the room, screaming in fear. When she was at a fair distance away, Colleen began to look around for her friend, who wasn't with her. "Emi?" She called out. Colleen heard footsteps coming from the end of her hallway. It was Emi. "Colleen!" She cried out. Emi ran to her friend, trembling. "What was that?" She panted. "I don't know," Colleen answered. "S-sorry for leaving you in there," Emi apologized. "It's okay." Colleen sighed. "I can't wait to go home,now! Big brother promised me he'd buy ice cream after school, and I never had ice cream before at Cold Stone." "OMG Cold Stone is the best! You won't regret it!" Emi told her. "Really?" "Really!" "Okay then! We should go find everyone now," Colleen told Emi. "Yeah!" "Let's go!"

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