Sachiko Ever After

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"Hey guys!" thirteen-year-old, Colleen Brown called out to her friends.The blonde headed girl ran across the hall toward her classmates. As she caught up with her friends, Colleen waved a paper proxy doll in her hand. It was time to change classes for the last time before the end of the year for Williams Academy, and Colleen wanted to do something special with her class. The seven kids smiled at the sight of Colleen because she was the most friendly of the group of friends. "Konichiwa, Colleen!" Aiko Amahara, the transfer student from Japan,said. Colleen began to sway her arms. "Hey, Aiko! Hi, everyone!" David Cross, the most cheerful boy of the group,waved his right hand in a graceful movement as he closed his eyes and put a happy expresion on his face. He ran to the group behind Colleen. Colleen's big brother, Roger, was also in the group of friends. He gave Colleen a small grin until he noticed the paper doll in her hand. "What's that?" he asked her. Colleen smiled. "It's a special charm I found. It's called the Sachiko Ever After Charm." "Let me guess," Roger's best friend, Blake Wilson, started, " you want us to do that charm of yours that you found on the internet?" Colleen smiled and clasped her hands together gently, not damaging the charm. She nodded. "Oh! Well that sounds fun!" Colleen's best friend, Emi Collins said, "what's the charm for?" "It helps ensure the bonds of our friendship to last forever,acording to Naho Saenoki," Colleen said. "Naho Saenoki?!" Aiko exclaimed.,"I've met her before! She's that Japanese high school paranormalist, right? "Yep!" Colleen said."I'm in!"Emi said with a smile on her face. "Me too!" Aiko and Tori Manago, the athletic friend, cried with glee. Cole Smith, the quiet one, just silently nodded. Colleen grinned at the sight of Cole accepting, even if he just nodded. She had a major crush on him and was happy that he wanted to be friends. "So, all we have to do first is get in a circle," she said. As soon as everyone got in a circle, Colleen held the paper doll in the middle. "Now all we have to do is say 'Sachiko we beg of you' one time for each of us. Then we rip out a piece and the paper scrap represents our friendship!" Everyone grabbed hold of a part of the doll and began to say "Sachiko we beg of you." Then came the rip. Everyone held their paper scrap in they're hand. "Great!" Colleen said," now we are friends for eternity!" Colleen watched as everyone smiled at each other. Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently. "Aah! A-an earthquake?" Tori screamed. "Eep!" Aiko cried, clutching onto David's body. "Huh?Hey!Aiko!" he said in shock. "Eeek!" all the girls cried out. "M-mommy!" Emi cried, holding Colleen's hand. "Guys! We have to go to the classrooms! The teachers will be wondering where we are! We have to run!" Roger yelled, "Colleen hold my hand!" "Roger!" Colleen cried, about to lunge at her big brother while holding Emi's hand. However, before she could do so, there was a loud noise that echoed through the narrow halls. Crack! Crumble! The floor around them collapsed, leaving only the ground the students were standing on. Everyone screamed. "What the heck?" Blake yelled, "this is huge!" "YAAARRGGGGHH!" The scream had came from Cole, who was watching in horror as the floor began to crumble closer to him. "Cole!" Colleen cried. Soon, the floor underneath him crumbles away and he falls inside the pit until the darkness below swallows him. "Cole! Noooo!" Colleen screams. The floor underneath Roger soon gives away. In a desperate attempt to stay on the surface, he grabes Blake's outstretched hand, but the floor soon crumbles away, causing the two boys to be swallowed up as well. The remaining kids screamed and cried as there is another big shake. The rest of the floor then gives away and everyone else disappears with an unknown fate above their heads as everything goes black.

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