A Man Named Shougo

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"You have a point," Aiko told David, "Where is she?I can sense her spirit here but I don't see her." David turned around and began calling out Colleen's name. No response. "I wonder if she is okay?" he asked Aiko. "It sounds like she's in trouble!" Aiko whispered."Perhaps she's further down this hall? We should go look!" David suggested. "Yeah," Aiko groaned, "let's go." The two kids began to wander the hallway until... "H-hey!Wh-who's there?"a man's voice called out. "Huh?" Aiko and David turned around, facing the empty corridor, seeing nothing but Roger's corpse, which was barely visible. "I said who's there!" the man called out again. Aiko and David gave each other a quick glance and slowly nodded. "We're just two kids," David called out," looking for our friends!" "Friends,huh?" The man soon became visible to the children. He was average in height and had short,blonde hair. The man wore a black t-shirt with a golden mortif, a red hoodie, a silver dog tag- like necklace,gray cargo pants, black and white athletic-like shoes, and a black beanie which has two crossing golden machetes at the left side and a rectangular golden emblem at the center. He was also carrying a video camera. "What do you want? " Aiko asked the strange man, in her sassy voice. "Oh, I heard voices here and it got me wondering," he said. "Hmm...makes sense," David said. "Shougo Taguchi. You can probably guess that I'm a cameraman." "We kinda figured that out already," Aiko said. "Yeah, well I'm not the artistic type who's planning on hitting the indie films circuits or anything." "Indie films circuits?" David asked, "what's that?"Aiko elbowed him and whispered "I'll tell you later" into his ear. Confused, Taguchi continued with his story. "Anyway, I came here to get footage for a special report with my boss, but I got separated from him for a while. How about you two?" Aiko gave David the let-me-do-the-talking look. She then walked up to Shougo and explained the situation. "Our friends did a charm that my friend found and now we got trapped in here and we are looking for one of our friends that we heard across this hall after finding one of our other friends." "Uh-oh, you don't mean that boy over there right?" Shougo asked Aiko. "Unfortunately he was the one we found, but dead," David said. "Oh, sorry about your loss then," Taguchi said," may I have your names?Oh,and the name of your friends?" Aiko and David and began to list the names of their friends. "Hmm...Brown,Collins,Manago,Smith,Wilson.Don't think of me as rude or anything but what kind of names are those?" "American.You know the United States," David told him. "Oh, the only people I've seen here is from Japan." he said as he flipped our the LCD screen on his camcorder and began to rewind footage."Umm...what are you doing?" both kids asked. " Well, I don't...want to sound crass, but...I'm checking through the footage I've captured since coming here to see if their name comes up at all. I intend to file a police report when I get back, so I've been gathering information on all the dead kids I've found in here. Like, from their name tags." " Did you just say 'dead kid'?" David asked politely. " Don't say that!" Aiko yelled, startling both Taguchi and David, "the rest is alive and I know it!" "Ahh...sorry, sorry! Well, I don't see anyone with those names,except for that boy, in any of my footage, so please don't get angry at me for nothing. And, may I say...two are very brave for your age." "What do you mean?" David asked. "Well I would think someone about your age would be terrified. You two don't even look shaken up. I've been scared stiff in this place," he explained. "Well of course I'm terrified!" Aiko exclaimed, "my tongue almost got cut off because of David,here! Although, I have to stay brave, to find my friends and then get back home."

"Well, whether you're looking for a friend or not, you really seemed to put your all into staying brave in a place like this."

"Hey! You're the one taking videos of dead people!" David pointed out.

"Hahaha!Well being a cameraman is kinda strange thing that way.As long as I look at them through a finder then it's just business to me." " But if I try to look at them with my bare eyes, I freeze up. There's a famous story about a battlefield cameraman whose camera broke while he was out on the job, and he literally started crying like a baby."

David began to giggle. "That's a funny story," he said, "I'm going to look that up when I get home." "You're not too interested in any of this, are you,Aiko? I do have a tendency to run my mouth off sometimes. Naho is always scolding me for that," Taguchi said. "Naho?Naho Saenoki?" Aiko began to grow in interest. "Yeah!You a fan of her?" "Yep! A huge fan actually.I try not to show it though," Aiko answered. "Well...Naho would be glad to hear about a big fan. I guess I'll tell her when I find the boss and leave this place." Wait,Aiko thought, does he now know about Naho being here too?

"Hey, I know! How about we search for our companions together!What do you say?" Taguchi asked.

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