Ghosts and Chains

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Colleen and Emi was halfway down the hall when they began to hear the sound of water being sprayed across the wooden floor, followed by a ear piercing scream. What's going on? The two girls thought. Colleen signaled for Emi to stay and she slowly went to see the problem. The screaming continued to get louder and louder until it finally ceased. Colleen looked back at Emi and saw that she was still in the same spot. Hesitantly, she then peaked around the corner and saw a horrific sight. There was a boy lying motionless on the ground and a blue ghost of a little girl with no left eye, was looking down at him with a pair of bloody sewing scissors in her hand. Colleen gasped, but immediatly regret doing so. The girl turned her head towards her. "My eyh," she said, revealing to have no tongue. Suddenly, Colleen found the ghost right on her face in anger, holding the pair of bloodied sewing scissors in towards her abdomen. "Gihh it bahh. Gihh me bahh my eyh!" Colleen screamed and she ran down the hall as quick as she could. When she reached Emi, she grabbed her hand and continued to speed down the corridor. The girls looked behind them and saw the ghost girl charging at them. Soon, they reached the door to the Entranceway. Emi began to open the door but it was locked. She tried again. Locked. Colleen saw the ghost getting closer and closer. Finally, Emi managed to open the door but it was too late. The two girls were slammed back to the wall. They tried to move but they felt like something was locking them in place. is this? Colleen thought, why can't I move? The ghost was catching up to them. Emi and Collen could only watch in horror as the girl caught up to them. "My eyh. Gihh me bahh my eyh!" She went up to Emi and smiled deviously. "Fouh ih!" She giggled and held the scissors above Emi's head. Emi screamed. Colleen was now frantic. Wha do I do?!What do I do?!Then she remembered the holy water in her back pocket. As the scissors began to slowly move towards Emi, Colleen managed to move and dug in her pockets for the small bottle. She quickly found it and splashed it on the ghost just before the sissors made contact with Emi's eye. The ghost and the sissors vanished into thin air. Emi and Colleen collapsed onto the ground, panting. "We should go back to the other building," Emi said. "Yeah," Colleen breathed.

"Ow, my head," David said, as he began to wake up. He began to moan as he felt the pain in his head worsen. "Wh-what happened?" Then he realized that he wasn't by the Custodian's Closet anymore. He was somewhere else. But where? "Where am I? Can someone help me?" He squinted his eyes and looked around. The room was dark, just like everywhere else he's been in this school. He could see someone across the room, lying down, however the teenager wasn't responding. So, David thought, I'm still in this school. He saw something on a nearby desk. "What is that?" David muttered. He stood up but immediatly fell back down. David's head hurt so much he didn't realize that his feet was asleep. So, he tried to crawl over there. He was barely at the table before he felt a tug on his right leg. He turned around and saw a chain locked on his leg."W-what?" he began to tug on the chain and saw that it led up to the wall behind the spot he woke up in. "I need to see what that thing is!" David growled. David streched out for the item until he could feel his fingers touch something wooden. He finally managed to grab a firm hold of the object and slowly brought it closer to him. It was an axe. Suddenly, a spark flew through David's mind. "I can use this to cut the chain and free that strange kid!" he exclaimed. The young boy stood up but began to hear heavy footsteps walking his way, followed by a long and continous rattle. What? Who is that? David thought. His answer was soon answered and David immediatly reconized who it was. It was that man from before! The one who hit me with something! David looked down at what the man was carrying and saw what that "thing" was. It was a hammer. A sledge hammer. David held his axe firmly in his hands, planning on using it against this beast. The monster raised his sledge hammer up. Now is my chance! David thought. Suddenly, he heard the sound of metal clashing together and he felt a sudden pain in his hands. David saw the axe fly across the room and land on the dirt ground. David was petrified now. He began to tremble as the man looked back at him with his blood red eyes. The man raised his hammer again, this time at David. David screamed.

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