Death Is Everywhere

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"Tori," Sachiko whimpered,"I have to go to the bathroom." "The bathroom?" Tori asked and Sachiko nodded. "Well okay," Tori said,"we just past one so it won't be hard to find." The two girls went past the infirmary, going upstairs towards the bathroom. "Well,we're here," Tori said, when they were in front of the girl's room. "Thanks!" Sachiko said, walking in. "Wait!Do you need me to come in there?" "No," was her reply. "Okay!I'll be out here."

Where am I? Colleen thought, and why is it so dark? She took out her cellphone and looked around. There were small desks across the room, a big,dusty chalkboard with a teachers podium next to it, and two cabinets next to them. "Is this an abandoned school?" Colleen asked herself. "Why am I here? Wasn't I just at school with everyone else?" As she sat down on the floor,pondering over why she was here, Colleen felt a paper brush against her hand. When she looked down, the girl recognized what the source. "My paper scrap!" She recalled, "I was with my friends doing a charm, and then there was an..." Suddenly, a loud moan echoed across the room. "Emi?" Colleen called out, "Emi are you there?" She saw something glitter at the end of the room. It looked like a necklace. "Emi?"

Blake and Colleen found Roger at the infirmary. He was looking around at everything. The desk, the beds, and under the beds. "Hey Roger!" Blake called out to his friend. "Go away!" Roger yelled at him, not even taking a glimpse of Blake, "can't you see I'm looking for Colleen?" "But look who I have here!" Blake said."Big brother?" Colleen cried. Roger slowly turned towards the two kids by the door. The dark fog disappeared. "Blake?Colleen?" He asked. Colleen lunged at him, hugging him like they hadn't seen each other in forever. "Big brother!" Colleen cried, "I was so scared! I was all alone! And there was this scary man with a giant hammer! He almost killed me!" "Don't worry," Roger said, "I'm here to protect you now." Roger looked up at Blake and mouthed the words "thank you"

She's taking a bit long, Tori thought, I should go check on Sachiko. As Tori went inside the bathroom there was no sign of Sachiko at all. "Sachiko? Are you alright? You're taking a bit long?" No answer. Tori began to open all the stall doors, the first few were fine until she came across the third one. "Kyaaah!" Tori screamed. There was a high school girl, hanging in the stall. She wore what looked like a school uniform and her hair was rolled up at the bottom. Tori saw a student ID card and, hesitantly, took it from the corpse. It said the name "Seiko Shinohara". Tori was suddenly frightened. What if Sachiko killed herself, just like this poor girl? She quickly burst opened the other stalls but she wasn't in them. She sighed with relief that Sachiko was not dead but she began to get scared. Where did she go? Tori was outside of the door all this time! "Sachiko! Sachiko! Where are you?" she cried.

Roger, Blake, and Colleen was walking towards the red door on the first floor when it happened. There was a violent earthquake, harder than the one that happened back at Williams. The children screamed as the floor felt like it was going to collapse. Before it had the chance to, though, the shaking stopped. "Colleen! Are you okay?" Roger asked her. "Yeah, are you okay Roger?" she asked. He nodded then asked Blake is he was okay. Blake also nodded. Suddenly, the ground beneath Colleen and Blake disappeared. The two kids began to fall but, Blake managed to catch the ground and Colleen was holding onto his leg. "Blake! Colleen!" Roger yelled running to there aid. Blake felt Colleen's grasp slipping and so he made a bold decision. "Save Colleen first!" he told Roger. "Colleen! Climb up my leg now!" "No! I can get you both!" Roger told him, his arm quickly drawing near Blake's. "No! We're too heavy! Colleen climp up!" Colleen began to climb up Blake's body, nearly slipping off, but managed to get into her big brother's grasp. Roger put her down and looked at Blake, just as soon another earthshake trembled the floor. Blake lost his grip and he fell down the hole. "NO!! BLAKE!!" Roger cried. "Blake! NOOO!" Colleen shrieked. The floor then fixed itself in front of Roger's eyes. He just saw his closest friend die! The one who was there for him when he needed it. As tears swelled up in his eyes, Roger smashed the ground hard with his weak fists. Then he heard demonic laughter from behind. It was Colleen. "Colleen, what's so funny?" "You shouldn't have saved me," she said. "What?" Roger gasped, "Sh-shouldn't have saved you?Why would you say that?Your my sister! O-of course I would save you!" She began to cackle as three ghost kids appeared behind her. One was without an eye, another without a head, and a boy who looked like he was stabbed in the stomach. Suddenly, Colleen colapsed. When Roger got to her, he saw her cry. But instead of watery tears, there was blood. "Colleen?" Roger gasped. "Oh, big brother," she said. Then, one of the ghosts had tripped Roger, and he landed right above Colleen. As he got up he felt her hands grabbing him tightly by his wrists. He tried to get up but it was no use. "You're not Colleen! Who are you?!" Roger managed to slap whoever this was in the face. "Ow! How dare you raise your hand to a girl, big brother!" Roger was forced to watch in horror as the skin from Colleen's face began to peel back and a little girl's face burst out from within, covered in blood and muscle tissue. Soon, black hairs burst out of Colleen's clothes, spreading across the ground. Immediately, a musty smell began permeating the air and Roger became aware of the body parts around him: hands,feet,entrails and a vertable lake of blood. "What? Were you always my sister? What did you do to her!?" Roger yelled at the child. "Hehehe," the girl laughed. "Let me go!" he screamed. "Sure, I'll let you go. And when I do, you'll be able to see your friends very soon." The ghosts all disappeared into the floor and Roger heard footsteps coming in quickly from behind. "Colleen?" "Rrrraaaaggghh!" Roger turned around and saw a monster coming at him with a sledge hammer waved up high. Roger quickly looked back and tried to run but it was to late. "GGHHHLLLAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!" With one blow, Roger felt his skull being cracked wide open and his blood was splattered far and wide. He began to choke on blood when the little girl from before appeared. She walked behind Roger and he felt the girl's hands touch his brains, tugging on it. The pain was agonizing."S...p...a...r...e Co-," he said with his last piece of energy. "Oh, well your little sister will be happy to see you again," was the last thing Roger heard, before everything went dark.

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