Another Funeral

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"GGHHHLLLAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!" What was happening? Blake could only see blackness as he heard his friend chocking above. His entire body hurt,he couldn't move. So, he just stared. "S...p...a...r...e...Co-." Was the last thing Blake heard from his friend. He heard a little girl laughing. "Roger?" Blake wheezed, "what happened?" He felt his consciousness slowly fading. Was this it? "I need to know," Blake mumbled. He heard a voice of a little girl say a few words before everything went black. "Daddy isn't breathing."

"David!" Aiko called out. Her friend was still gone. Where was he? She called his name out again. No response. Aiko sighed. "I guess I was a bit harsh on that guy...and on David." Aiko sat down on the floor. "I'm scared. I want to go home and I don't want to be alone!" She began to cry silently. "Where are you?" Aiko stood up and told herself that David was not down this hall. Perhaps he went inside the classroom, she thought. Suddenly, she heard a loud slam echo across the hall.

Aiko can be very mean, but this time she took it too far. David reached the end of the hall and saw a red door. He tried to open it but it was locked. There was a board hanging down from a post above the door. "Custodian's Closet" he read. "So does that mean there is going to be a custodian ghost?" He asked himself. David tried to open the door again but it wouldn't budge. It was like the door was just there for decoration and super glued to the wall! David looked into the glass of the door, seeing if he could look inside. Instead, he saw a tall figure behind him. Slowly, he turned around and saw a hideous image. Whatever it was, it wasn't human. The things appearance was disgusting to look at, with dark blood dripping down from his blood-red eyes. It was like staring at a zombie from the Walking Dead, but far worse. The thing held something up, and it was clear to what it was. Soon, the man dropped the item on his head and David went unconscious. The man picked up his legs and began dragging David's limp figure across the hall.

"The second building is smaller than I thought it would be," Colleen said. Emi looked around. She looked beside the little storage holes until getting excited."Oh look!" she squealed. She ran to the middle of the room where there were tons of shoes lying on the ground. "Tiny shoes! They're so tiny!" "Why are you getting excited over tiny shoes?" Colleen asked, confused. "It proves that this was really an elementary school! Besides, they remind me of my little sister!" Emi exclaimed her, hugging a pair of shoes. "Oh, you mean Lily?" Colleen walked over to her friend, gently grabbing the shoes away from Emi's face. "Awww, can I at least keep one shoe?" Colleen threw the shoes at the wall. "No! Besides someone else owns these shoes!" She grabbed Emi's hands and they went to the hall on the right. "Can I keep anything?" "NO!"

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