Part 13 *Birthday*

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Can's POV

"It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling" .. I keep singing this song as I walk through the kitchen to prepare something to eat because it's going to be a looong fun day.. we have some shootings to do today, but I have better plans for today.. it's the birthday of my pretty princess and I can't wait to spend the rest of the day with her, because I prepared a lot of surprises for her so I better get going..

" Hey guys, how are you all today?" .. I say as I make my way through the set, noticing Demet is not there yet and that's excellent.
"Hey Bahar, can you do me a favor?" .. I ask a girl who's part of the staff as she politely said YES.
"I am not gonna work today and everyone knows it, so I want you to give this to Demet, but be careful because no one can know that I gave that to her, alright"? .. and after I got her approval,  I went on to continue with the plan of making this birthday of hers the best one she's ever had..

Demet's POV

"Happy Birthday dear Demet, happy birthday to you" .. I smile as my family greets me through FaceTime,  wishing a very happy birthday to me. I am so grateful to have them and thank God each day that I have the most wonderful family!!
But, enough thinking, time to go to work Demet because this is the type of job you choose and that includes not being able to celebrate a birthday as a normal person, but I can't complain, I love my job and I really wouldn't have it any other way.
As I am arriving on SET, I hear the same song that I heard today God knows how many times
"Happy birthday dear Demet, happy birthday to you "..
"Thank you, thank you a lot" I smile as I approach the whole cast of Erkenci Kuş singing with a cake on their hand and smiles on their faces. Man I love these people.  We've been doing this for so long that they're not just people I work with anymore, they're like family and I couldn't be more grateful for them.. except, I noticed that there was a person missing.. Can.
It's rare, Can always comes to the SET earlier than everyone else, so him not being here It's kind of odd... and that's when Bahar comes to me with a smile on her face handing me a note and something that looks like a painting, as she goes "I wish you the happiest of birthdays Demet and may all of your dreams come true".. she says and just like that leaves and I didn't even have the time to process the whole thing that I forgot to thank her.. as I open the note, I notice the handwriting its Can's.. my heart starts beating really fast as I read the note that says;

Demet, this is a detail of someone who would want to gift you a STAR for your birthday but the only thing I can gift you is the painting of a STAR.
I wish for you to be happy today and always with the one who's willing to give you the LOVE that you deserve.

This made me so happy, so nostalgic I couldn't even explain if  I was smiling or crying of happiness.. I was in shock and the next thing I did shocked me even more because when I opened the painting, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. it was a portrait of me made by  him and I must say that this is by far the best gift that anyone has ever gifted me.. I felt so loved by him and felt so appreciated that I was wondering if I really deserved this much attention from him.. and without even thinking, I dialed his number..
"Hey Can. I saw your gift, thank you."..I say blushing and I couldn't even understand why.. I felt like a teenager again and it's all his fault.
"Oh come on. It's nothing compared to what you deserve. Happy birthday,queen. And I hope you don't have any plans because I have a lot of more surprises that are waiting for you".. he says as I can feel my stomach jump up and down of excitement.
"No actually I don't have any plans".. I say as he goes " Okay then. Come behind our trailer, I am here to pick you up" and he closes the phone as I go through the trailer to see him with a motorcycle looking sexier than ever.. oh God, why does he have to look like that and make it harder for me to resist him..
It's gonna be a loong day ahead of us..

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