Part 2 *Unexpected guest*

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Demet's POV
He's so close to me.. so close that our lips are touching, but we're standing here, like this, not kissing but taking in our breaths.. I must be dreaming, I have to pinch myself because I might do something right now that I may or may not regret later.. but I can't help it, I want him so bad.. so just as I'm about to let my feelings decide of whatever that's about to happen right now, the knock on the door knocks me out of my senses.
"Who could possibly come here at this time"? I say a little surprised and worried as I start going towards the door "Demet, wait I'm coming with you." Can says as he comes behind me.
I open up the door to see Seckin standing there with a furious look on his face
"So it's true what I heard everyone say right"? he says as he sees Can standing right behind me and I can hear it in his voice that he is pissed "What are you talking about?" I ask not having the idea of what he's talking about.
"Don't you dare pretend like none of it it's true or that you have no idea of what I'm talking about. For how long has this been going"? This question caught me off guard. Is he drunk? What is he saying? I can't think straight right now "Explain yourself will you"? I say, still dumbfounded by his sudden anger
"Why don't you check the latest news and see what I'm trying to say,Demet. Even though these late news might be old for you already." He says, eyeing Can from head to toe. Now he got on my nerves "Seçkin, you can go out. I don't want to hear another word from you anymore. So please, get out" I say now furious because he doesn't have the right to know anything about my life anymore, who does he think he is "Yes yes I'm leaving. I saw what I had to see already with my own eyes. It's nothing I didn't see before now is it?". And as he starts turning to go out, Can goes after him "You do not disrespect her, do you understand me? You do not!" I feel something in my stomach. I don't know what it is but I am not feeling well. Why do I have to go through this. And what was he trying to say with that! As Seckin leaves the house, Can turns to me "Hey, are you okay? Do you need anything? I'm sorry Demet. I will do everything that's in my hands tomorrow first thing and clear all that shit up, okay?" I can't help but smile a little, because I see that he cares for me in a way nobody else ever did. "Thank you Can. It's okay, don't worry." I say, reassuring him that everything is alright. "I think it's best if we call it a night and think about it tomorrow, okay"? I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable even more, because this is my thing and I have to solve it my way.. "Okay Demet.. Than I'm good to leave now. Take care of yourself,please".. I'm not ready to let him go. I don't know what tomorrow brings but I want him to stay here tonight "Can come on, stay. It's 3AM, it's really late and I'll feel better if you just stay the night and not drive like this.. so stay" I just needed his presence here. I am so confused right now with all the situation but I know I don't want him to leave "Okay, I'll stay if you want me to. "I want you to".. I say as I look into his eyes until it becomes uncomfortable.. "Also,Demet..I'm sorry if I caused you any problem unintentionally." I can see it in his face that he really is "Can it's okay. You have nothing to worry about. None of this is your fault. I just feel like we've had enough for tonight". I say as I lead him up to the guest room. "Here you go, make yourself at home and please if you need anything, do call me. Goodnight" "Thank you. Goodnight" And so I start walking towards my room... once I'm settled on my bed, I can't help but think of what just happened downstairs with Seçkin and all the drama and I feel bad because I am not like this at all. I don't want Can to think things for me that are not true. Damn, I have a way to ruin everything. None of this would've happen if I hadn't drink all that alcohol and feel bad about it now. I literally gave him a lap dance for Gods sake. Who knows what he'll be thinking tomorrow about me. Bravo for you Demet.. Right now all I wanna do is lay down and get some sleep because God knows what tomorrow is going to be I close my eyes and yet again, I can't help but think of what could've happen between the two of us, if Seçkin never appeared..

Can's POV
Nope man. I can't sleep. Not when there's only a wall that separates me from Demet. She was sad, I could see it in her eyes that she was about to cry. What if I did something wrong? What if I hurt her feelings somehow. Is it that she doesn't see me that way and I ruined our friendship by wanting to take our relationship to the next level or is it because of Seçkin that she was sad. Maybe she still loves him.. but if she did why would she tell him to fuck off of her house. Oh Demet, what did you do to me. I'm desperate to know she's okay and that I'm not the reason she's upset..
I walk myself through the kitchen to get me some water and as I'm coming back up, I see she left the door to her bedroom open.. I couldn't help but creep on her.. she seems to be asleep.. that soft face of hers that earlier was all confused and anger and sadness, looks so peaceful now that it's impossible to not admire her.. "Oh Demet, I hope I don't ruin anything between us.. but I can't resist to being near you and not thinking of kissing your lips.. I need you with me, all the time and in any way that I can because I love you.. you drive me nuts" I say not even noticing that I was speaking out loud the entire time.. "Can, is that you"? I hear Demet say as I pray that she didn't hear anything I said..

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