Part 15 *Decisions*

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A.N. So guys, here is chapter 15. Just to tell you guys, there is some mature content on this chapter so if you don't like that kind of stuff, you have been warned!! Hope you guys enjoy, xx💕

*Recap from the last chapter*

"It's just that I want to kiss you, but I would be breaking the promise I gave you, and I don't want to, but please, please, I need you to ask me to kiss you".. says Can as he leans forward and touches her neck with his lips, waiting impatiently for her answer.. while Demet closes her eyes feeling the heat on her stomach and takes his head so they face eye to eye, lips only millimeters away from each others, hands wrapped around their bodies.. and she goes..
"Can, I.. I can't.. no, please.." she pulled her face away from his and rested her forehead on his chest while continuing..
"Please.. please no.." he then grabbed her by her cheeks making her face his eyes once again, looking deeply into them, and she noticed the desire he had by the way he was looking at her with hunger and before making any mistakes she took her bag and began to leave..
"Demet.. Demet.." he called as he was going right behind her ..
"Can, I am sorry.. I am so sorry"..
"But what are you sorry for? That we came to the point where we almost kissed? Or you're sorry that you didn't ask me to kiss you! Because if it is the second we still have time!!"
She couldn't help but smile at his words as he continues..
"Demet.. I know that you want to kiss me too, I feel it, but why are you hesitating? Why don't we forget about the world and imagine that we're all alone on this planet without caring of what others might think!"
"Can.."... he interrupts her
"I like you.. I really, really like you and I feel it in my bones that you like me as well.. so why don't we live right now, because this is our moment and nobody else's.. we both deserve it, we have waited enough already ".. as he says that she can feel how desperate he is for her to give in and be his entirely on whatever way he wants her and God knows if she stays a little longer that's exactly what she'll be doing..
"Demet.. if you were in my shoes just for a second you would know just how much I need you and how much I desire you.. if you could only see that I'd die to be with you.." and that's when she decided to confess her feelings
"Can, you don't have no idea what you mean to me.. you have no idea what you make me feel.."
"Than why on earth aren't you asking me to kiss you".. she than starts crying because she wishes the same thing as he does but ever since that night her feelings have gone to a next level and she's scared that she might get hurt because she never thought she would love someone this much..
"I'm sorry.. please forgive me.. today is your birthday and you shouldn't be crying.. don't cry kills me" he says as he wipes her tears away ..
"Look, I just want you to be happy on your birthday, okay?.."
"This is the happiest.. the best birthday of my life" she says in between tears and smiles..
"Can I take you home?"
"Yeah.. thank you."
The road to Demet's house was quiet..not much talking, listening to slow music 0and just relaxing.. Demet fell asleep and Can couldn't stop watching her sleep like an angel, so innocent, so fragile yet so strong.. he tried to drive as slow as he could just so he could spend more time looking at her, before he finally has to take her home..and
"Demet.. wake up we're home"..
"Oh, already?" ..
"Yes.. we're here."
"I see.. Can, thank you for everything. Thank you for bringing me home, you really didn't have to"
"Of course I had to.. I wanted to, because with bringing you home, I get to spend 30 more minutes with you and that's something I'll always cherish.." says Can as Demet started smiling, being happier than ever..
"I think it's time for me to go..once again, thank you Can, sincerely.. thank you for everything .. thank you for making this birthday the best one.."
"You're welcome.. and I will accompany you to the door, because those are extra 5 minutes that I get to be with you".. now she started laughing
"Okay, excellent"..
"Or, maybe no.. maybe that's not such a good idea because than it would be harder for me to say goodbye, so no"..
"Okay, if that's what you want.. thank you Can.. goodnight " she says as she goes and kisses his cheek and he kisses her forehead and pulls her for a hug..
"Bye.. see you tomorrow "..
"See you beautiful..bye"..
As Demet makes her way towards the front door, she notices something strange.. she notices that the door is open and she never leaves her door open, but she thought maybe she forgot to close it because this morning she barely had time to dress because of how late she was running for work.. as she climbs the stairs and opens the main door, she now starts to freak out because that door too is open.. she screams when she sees the mess on her house, everything she owned was gone, every valuable thing she had was gone, and she was only left with so much mess that she didn't even have a place to put her feet on so she screams because she was terrified and luckily Can heard her because he didn't want to leave until he made sure Demet was home safely.. before even having time to process what was going on she hears someone running towards her.. she sees Can running towards her and she couldn't resist,  she was so scared and she knew his arms could help her more than anything.. exactly what she needed.. and without thinking twice she threw herself into his arms, sobbing..
"Shhh.. Demet" says Can as he hugs her tightly, never wanting to leave..
"Baby what happened? Why are you crying, what's the matter?"
"Pl...please don't leave me.. hug me Can, don't leave me".. she barely said those words while tightening her grip onto Can's chest and burying her head on it.. never wanting to let go..
"Demet, it's okay I'm here love, shh.. it's okay I'll never leave you.. ever again" .. he says still not understanding what was going on.. "but tell me what happened?"
"Someone was here.. they took everything from my house Can.. everything on this house is broken and stolen.. I am scared, what if I was here when that happened? What if they come back? What am I gonna do?"
"Calm down baby, calm down,okay? I will never leave you alone again alright? And I promise you I will find out who did this and I will make them pay for it even if it's the last thing I do. I just want you to calm down,okay?" He says as he  repeatedly strokes her arms and kisses her forehead..
"Can.. we should call the cops and tell them what happened.. I am tired but I need to know who did this and make sure the person doesn't do any further damage to nobody"..
"Of course love.. of course" ..
The police came as soon as they could after Can called them.. they didn't interrogate Can and Demet much since they were not present when it happened,  so they were free to go home..
"Can.. can you take me to my apartment?"
"Look Demet.. I know there is a promise that we both gave to each other, but please come to my house.. I would feel way better if I knew you are with me and well protected".. he could see by the look of her eyes that she was tired and confused and just wanted to rest so she couldn't hesitate..
"Okay.. thank you Can.. " ..
They drove back to his house and the road wasn't that long because Can lives only 10 minutes away from her..they entered the house and Can of course, offered her something to drink..
"Relax Demet.. you're safe here. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you or even touch you.."
"I know Can.."
"Hey by the way, your room will be right next to mine just in case you need something,alright? You have towels and everything you need in case you want to take a shower.. and I will bring you some clean clothes you can put on so you sleep better, it's that okay?"
"That's perfect. Thank you babe".. she was in shock she called him that .. and Can, well Can even more..
She goes up to the guest room and notices that in fact there is no bathroom.. technically there is, but it's just with glass , meaning there is no walls between room and bathroom, but either way she decides to take a shower because after everything good and bad that happened today, she definitely needed one..
Can heads up to his room, takes some clean shorts and a t-shirt of him so he can give them to Demet.. so he makes his way to the guest room "Demet? Are you here?”, he called out hearing no response..
“Demet?” he said before entering  her room..
The shower glass was steamy but he could clearly see Demet's naked body as she was taking a shower... and he knows it's wrong, but he couldn't help it.. he just saw the sexiest human being on this planet as she was taking a shower... he couldn't stop staring at her..
her eyes were closed as she ran her face under the water...his eyes trailed down her perfectly shaped chest and then dared to follow along her stomach leading him straight to her private area. At that his eyes widened like two full moons. ‘Dear Lord!!’ he thought with an audible gasp.. God knows how bad he wanted to be there with her and kiss every inch of her body until she told him to stop..but he couldn't, he shouldn't.. but God dammit!! He was so hard at this point he was only thinking about her riding him all night..
He knew she was about to finish so he quickly left his clothes on the bed and walked away from her room not wanting for Demet to feel uncomfortable when she saw him there.. but little did he know that she actually saw him staring at her, and she absolutely loved what she saw..

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