Break Out (part II)

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I turn around to see Hange running towards me with one arm waving in the air, assuming she was telling me to wait for her. I stopped and waited until she finally caught up. "Hey... y/n..." she pants, "can you do me a favor and give these documents to Levi? Tell him I need them done as soon as possible. I gotta go perform some experiments on Sawney and Bean." She smiles happily.

"Sure, Hange. I'll be on my way then."

"Thanks, y/n. You're the best." You smiled and wave before walking toward Captain Levi's office. Though you guys weren't exactly close, you felt that she was a good person and someone you can trust. I reached Captain's room and knocked.

"Name and business."

"It's me, y/n. Hange asked me to give you these documents."

"Come in, y/n."

I open the door and see him standing in front of his desk. He was putting on a jacket. I placed the large stack of documents down. "Are you going somewhere, captain?"

"I'm going out for a walk." He said, while adjusting the collar of his jacket. "Wanna tag along?"

"Sure. I have nothing better to do anyways."

"Tch, let's go then. And close the door behind you."

"Roger that."

The moment you stepped out you could feel the cool wind hit your face. It felt so good. You look over at Levi. His eyes were closed, and his arms were still folded on his chest, but he looked stress-free for once. "Oi brat, how's your training going? Hope you're not slacking off when I'm not watching you." I chuckle quietly.

"Don't worry captain, I've been training with Eren, Mikasa, Sasha and Connie lately. They said I've improved. You can even ask Mikasa."

"I don't know about the rest but since Mikasa said you improved; I'll take her word for it."

"And why is that Captain?"

"She's the most mature and responsible one here. She's also the second strongest to me so if you were to train with her, you will definitely improve over time."

You nodded in response. "Captain, are we leaving the HQ?"

"Yes, unless you don't want to."

"No, that's not what I meant. I just got excited since I haven't been out in a long time."

You make it out to the busiest streets within the walls. After a while of walking, you spot the tea shop that you went to before. "I'm going to buy some black tea, you can go roam around here. Don't go too far."

"Yes, sir." You smile and then start to walk around. After a few minutes, you spot a cute shop that sells little handkerchiefs. You decide to check it out. Upon walking in the wooden doors, you can see a bunch of different types of handkerchiefs. You stop at a small section right near the entrance. A green handkerchief with a small teacup logo catches your eye. This is perfect for Captain Levi. You smile to yourself and decide to gift it to him as a way of thanking him for always being there for you. You weren't sure what this handkerchief was supposed to represent as you weren't sure of how you felt of him. But you wanted to buy it anyways and if he were to ask, you would just say that it's a gift from a cadet to a captain. You didn't want to risk anything ruining the comforting relationship between you and your captain.

"Y/n? Is that you?"

You turn around to see who called you. "Nice to see you here, Jean."

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