Chapter 23: Family Dinner

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Alison POV:
"Alright, class! We have a project." Our Art teacher announces to the class, and everyone groans.

"But, you will have a partner. And I'm allowing you to pick your partner, too." He adds, which cheers everyone up.

"You will have 3 days to paint a rainbow over the horizon of a waterfall. Use color, texture, lines, shape, form...All the elements of art!" He declares.

"You may pick your partner!" He says, and everyone jumps up.

I immediately go over to Emily, and tap her shoulder.

"Want to be my partner?!" I ask her I. A hopeful voice.

"I wouldn't want to be anyone else's." She says in a flirty tone.

Aria and Spencer are partners, and Hanna and Caleb are partners. Toby is partners with Andrew.

"Aria and Spencer are partners?! No fair!" I yell across the room in a joking manner.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Spencer yells back with a smile.

"You two are both into art and all that crap!" Emily shouts, and laughs.

Aria rolls her eyes with a smile, and Spencer sticks her tongue out.

"Alright! That's enough, ladies!" Mr. Harris, the art teacher calls out.

We know he's joking around with us. He knows we're best friends. This is our thing. We always do this back and forth stuff in this class.

For the rest of the class period, everyone is discussing their projects while Emily an me flirt.


Emily POV:
"A rainbow over the horizon of a waterfall...What the fuck?" Hanna mumbles, poking around her tray.

"It sounds like fun to me." Spencer says.

"Same here." Aria chimes in.

"I'm just trying to pas the class." I joke, causing Hanna to laugh and choke on her food.

"Hanna, that wasn't even that funny." Alison laughs.

"I'm sorry, but that sounds like something I would say. And I think the stupidest things are funny." Hanna defends herself.


"Okay. Let's get started on this stupid project." Alison sighs as she sits on her bedroom floor.

I laugh and open all of the paint jars.

I take off my backpack and go to set it on the desk where the paint is.

As I'm putting my backpack down, it hits the yellow paint, and knocks it over.

All of the yellow paint spills our, onto Alison's perfect blonde hair.

"Emily Catherine Fields!" She yells as she gasps.

"It was an accident!" I exclaim and put my hands on my face.

"You are going to pay for that!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I pout.

She stands up, paint dripping down he shirt, and looks at me.

"I am so sorry!" I apologize again.

"You are going to pay for this." She repeats.

"How?" I ask.

"You have to giver something I want." She says simply.

"What's that-"

I'm cut off by her lips on my own.

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