Chapter 14: Say You'll Be Mine

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Emily POV:
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask Alison as my voice shakes.

Hanna sits there is shock, her mouth open wide.

"Yes. Of course." Alison says, smiling and grabs my face, kissing me passionately.

I can't even kiss back because I'm smiling so much.

"I'm just gonna...Go." Hanna says, getting off of the bed, and leaving.

"Good." I say, and go back to kissing Alison.

"Bitch!" Hanna yells, and slams my bedroom door, causing me to laugh into the kiss.

Alison pulls away, and looks into my eyes. I look back into hers, and her lost in them.

She pulls out her phone, and goes to the camera.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

She kisses my cheek, causing me to laugh.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you, too." I say, and peck her lips.

"What do you want to do today?"

Alison POV:
"What do you want to do today?" Emily asks me.

"I don't know, you?"

"Ooh, I like where this is headed." She smirks.

I feel the heat rising to my face as I look at her.

"I meant what do you want to do?" I tell her.

"I like what you said earlier." She says, and slowly walks over to me.

"Stop." I say, and lightly push her shoulder.

"Now, that wasn't very nice." She tells me, pretending to be hurt.

She walks over to me again, and wraps her arms around mine, so I can't move them.

"Let me go!" I laugh out, completely forgetting I have PTSD. Emily really helps me.

"But what if I don't want to?" She asks.

She picks me up, throwing me over her shoulder. I scream as she does so.

I start hitting her back with my little fists as she runs downstairs.

"What is you drop me?!" I yell, continuing to hit her.

"I wouldn't dare!" She yells back, and opens the front door.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

She ignores my question, and puts me in her car.

"You know kidnapping is a crime, right?" I ask her as she starts the car.

"Oh, hush up." She tells me, and smiles.

"You're cute." I say out of nowhere.

"And you're adorable." She says back, and I blush.

We pull up to the woods, and Emily opens her door, getting out.

She quickly walks over to my side, and opens the door for me. I don't budge.

"Get out!" She says laughing.

"I already told you. Kidnapping is a crime." I say.

"I'm not kidnapping you." She says.

"Then why are we in the woods?" I ask her.

"You really think is kidnap you?" She asks me jokingly.

"Rude." I mumble, and get out.

She grabs my hand, and pulls me to a large rock on the middle of a bunch of trees.

"What's this?" I ask her confused.

"The Kissing Rock." She tells me, and pulls a spray can from her jacket.

"What the hell?"

"It's just spray paint." She tells me.

"Lovers have been coming here for hundreds of years. They say you can feel the ghosts of the couple, pushing you. Urging you to kiss." She says with a smirk.

"You made that up." I say.

"Just because I made it up doesn't mean it isn't true." She tells me.

She takes the spray can and writes:
EF+AD with a heart around it.

"You should never disappoint a ghost, you know." She says, and smiles.

I smile back at her and kiss her.

"Are we good now?" She asks after we pull away.

"Oh yeah." I say out of breath, and smile at her again.

We go back to her house, and cuddle in her bed until we both fall asleep.

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