Chapter 54: Reunited

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Alison POV:
"Oh, my god! I've missed you!" I exclaim as I continue to hug Spencer.

"I've missed you, too! I've missed all of you!" Spencer says back.

I pull away and look at her with a warm smile as tears fall down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" Spencer asks.

"Because..." I laugh, and smile one of those smiles when you are happily crying. "I haven't seen you in so long! And now look at us!" I laugh.

I wiped tears, and wrap my arms around her neck again.

After we finally decide on what we want, we all sit at the couch and close the curtain.

"Where's Hanna and Aria?" Emily asks.

"Aria is at Hollis working on an art project for the school. And Hanna is working on fashion." Spencer says.

"How've you been? New jobs? Kids?" Emily asks, and wriggles her eyebrows at Spencer and Toby.

"I am studying to be a doctor. And Toby is still a cop." Spencer answers with a smile.

"No kids, yet. But we'll get there." Tony adds, and kisses Spencer's temple.

I smile, and take a sip of my latte.

"Just don't have four kids. Keep it at a maximum of two or three." Emily laughs, and sticks her tongue out.


Emily POV:
"I was, and still am, Hanna's favorite. So I go in first." I say as we pull up to Hanna and Caleb's house.

I walk into the house without even knocking, and hear laughter from the kitchen.

I walk in a see Hanna, Caleb, Lucas, and their other baby Lexie baking cookies.

Lucas is three now, and Lexie is one.

"Ooh! Cookies! Can I help?" I ask excitedly as I walk into the kitchen.

"Emily Fields! Holy shit!" Hanna exclaims, and tackles me to the ground in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hi, Han!" I laugh as she kisses me all over my face.

"I have missed you so much!" She shrieks.

"I can tell." I say, my voice muffled as she squishes my cheeks.

A few seconds later, the other girls come in along with my kids.

"What is going on here? Hanna, you're married!" Alison says when she sees Hanna on the floor straddling me and kissing me all over my face.

Her hands are also up my shirt.

"I've missed you all so much! And Emily has really nice abs!" She says.

Hanna gets up off of my and jumps in Alison, almost knocking her over like she did to me.

"Aunt Ali!" Lucas shrieks, and climbs down from the stool he was previously sitting on.

"Hi!" Alison exclaims, and picks him up.

How do we keep up to date with each other? How do the kids remember each other?
Two words: Technology. FaceTime.

Emerson giggles, and wraps her arms around Hanna's legs.

"Han!" She says, and kisses Hanna's knee.

"We need to invite Aria!" Hanna exclaims as she picks up Emerson and sits her on the counter.

"I'll call her." Spencer says.

She dials Aria's number, and puts the phone on speaker.


S-Hey, Ar.

H-Hey, bitch! Come over!

A-To Hanna's house?

H-Duh. Where else?

A-Oh, I don't know. Maybe Spencer's.

S-Whatever. Just hurry up.

About thirty minutes later, and Aria's voice is ringing in the hallway.

"Han? Spence?" She calls.

I run out of the kitchen, and wrap Aria in my arms.

"My favorite artist!" I exclaim.

"Oh, my god! Emily!" She yells.

Alison also comes running out, and joins in on the hug.

As do Spencer and Hanna.

"Um, Han?" Alison asks, her voice muffled in the hug.

"Yeah?" Hanna questions, her voice also muffled.

"Is my kid still sitting on the counter? ...And yours?"


"Mama!" I hear Emerson shout.

I walk into the kitchen, and put Emerson on the floor, and Lexie, and they both run off with the others.

"So...What to do?" Aria asks.

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