Chapter 11: Stuck On Repeat

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Alison POV:
I get hit.

I go over the bridge.

I land on the water.

I'm drowning over and over again.

I can't breathe.

I bag on the window over and over again. I'm trapped.
"HELP!" I wake up and sit up in Emily's bed screaming.

"Alison?" It's Emily.

"E-Emily?" I stutter.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I-I had a nightmare." I tell her.

"Oh, Ali. It's okay." She whispers, and pulls me into a right hug.

"I was trapped in my car and I was drowning. I kept drowning." I say as the tears come.

"Shhh...It's not really, Ali." She says.

"But it was." I cry out through my tears. She looks at me with sad eyes.

"You're okay. You're safe now." She whispers.

I turns head and look at the time and it's only 2 AM.

"Sorry for waking you up." I mutter to Emily.

"It's fine." I whispers against my shoulder as she leans on it.

I turn my head and look at her, and she's falling asleep.

I stay sitting in her arms. I shift my body so I'm sitting between her legs.

I like this feeling. It makes me feel safe and protected. Like I'm wanted.

After a few minutes, I turn my head and look back at Emily again. She's already asleep.

I slowly and carefully slip out if her embrace, and lay her down gently on her bed.

I lay down and close my eyes, but I'm unable to sleep. My eyes are heavy and droopy, but I refuse to sleep.

Afraid of what lies ahead.

The crash.

Over and over again, it happens.

I close my eyes, and all I can see is the water surrounding me.

Like I'm stuck on repeat.

I start sweating and shaking.

I lightly and quietly sob, making sure I don't wake Emily.

She stirs, and I cover my mouth, but that doesn't help. It just makes me take a deep breath in, loud. I whimper, and Emily shoots up.

"Oh, my god. Ali. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." She says all in one breath. "God, I feel awful." She squeaks out.

I look at her, and cry harder.

"No. Please don't cry." She says, and hugs me.

"I keep seeing it. The water. The crash." I say.

"What?" She asks.

"It keeps replaying in my head. I can't close my eyes. All I see is the crash." I wail.

"Shhh..." She whispers, and mumbles sweet nothings into my ear.

Sweet nothings.

Hey, Bitches! Just kidding.
Sorry it's so short.
I wanted to reveal what's up with Alison.
Something is wrong.
Can you guess what?
If you people don't comment, then I'll think you aren't interested in my stories anymore.
And you really will be Bitches.
Bye, Bitches!

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