Chapter 29: Damaged

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*this might hurt*

2 weeks later

Alison POV:
I miss her.

I miss her voice.

I miss her smile.

Her laugh.

Waking up next to her in the morning.

The way she threw her head back when she laughed.

I miss her scent.

Her hugs.

Her kisses.

I miss the way she begged for sex.

I miss her moan.

I miss her touch.

I miss her happiness.

I miss her presence.

I miss her being jealous.

The way she got protective over me.

I miss even miss her pain.

I miss her cry.

The tears she shed.

I miss her.

Emily broke up with me after I slapped her.

She said she was tired of being my second choice.

She couldn't deal not being able to see me.

She said we were already drifting apart.

I know we could've fixed this.

We could still be together.

But I was too stupid and naive to stop her from walking away.

I let her go.

I look down at the pictures spread out in front of me.

My heart aches for her.

But it's too late.

I can't fix this...

Emily POV:
"Emily. Please open the door!" I hear Hanna as she bangs on the front door.

I took any hidden keys from outside and locked all of the doors and windows.

My parents are in Texas.

I'm all alone.


I don't sit with the girls at lunch.

I don't sit with my other friends.

I either eat out, eat in my car, or don't eat at all.

Obviously they still talk to Alison. She didn't do anything wrong. I did.

I look down at the fresh cuts on my wrist.

This is what I've become.

I'm alone.



I had someone, but I let them go.

I let them go because I was jealous.

That's how stupid I am.

"Go away, Hanna!" I yell.


"I said go away!" I shout through tears.

"I know you don't want anyone. But we want you." Hanna cries.

"Please! Just go away!" I cry as my body racks with sobs.

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