Chapter 7: Noel Kahn Man

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2 weeks later

Emily POV:
Alison and I haven't talked about the kiss. I wish we would.

It's been 2 weeks! Just avoiding it. Or, the other girls are with us. Which, honestly, gets annoying.

They have lives. Especially Aria.

I'm walking down the hall with the girls trailing behind me. Everyone else in the school watching us in awe.

When I get to my locker, I see Alison at hers getting her books.

I'm about to walk over there to talk to her when I see a guy walk up to her.

Not just any guy, but Noel Kahn.

He smiles at her, and she smiles back at him, blushing.

She's dating Noel Kahn?!

I get this feeling of anger, jealousy, and hatred inside of me. I'm fuming.

She says she likes me, kisses me, gets a boyfriend.

I slam my locker door shut, causing everyone to look at me, and I walk fast out of the school.

"Emily! Where are you going?!" I hear Hanna shout.

I keep walking. Faster.

I look behind me for a split second, and I see Alison and Noel flirting. Which makes me angrier.

She didn't even fucking notice me!

"Emily!" I hear Aria yell.

"What's wrong? Spencer calls out to me.

I ignore them, and hop on my motorcycle, driving away fast.

I drive all the way to the cliff overlooking Rosewood.

Of course this is where I go.

I open my bag, pulling out my pencil sharpener.

I put it on the big rock, and grab a smaller rock. I begin smashing the sharpener until the blade comes off.

I hold the small, shiny, cold metal object in my right hand.

I sit on the rock 2 feet away from the edge of the cliff, looking at the blade in my palm, shining in the sun.

Why do I come here when I'm deciding wether to live or not? Run away, or stay in this pathetic excuse for a town?

I put the blade down, and look at the view in front of me.

I hear a twig crack, and I twist my head so fast, my neck pops.

I look around me while rubbing my neck, trying to soothe the pain.

"Hello?" I call out.

I hear another twig snap.

"Who's there?" I yell.

I see a shadow in the trees.

The figure steps out, and I see Spencer.

"Damn it, Spencer! You scared me!" I yell at her, angrily.

I hold the blade in my hand so she doesn't see it.

"Sorry." She mutters.

"Why did you come here?" I ask her.

"Why did you run out of school like that?" She questions me.

"I had to get out of that hell-hole." I tell her.


"I-I'd rather talk to Aria about this." I hesitate.

"Okay." She says, and texts Aria.

"What's up?" Aria asks, walking over, and sitting next to me on the rock.

"I need to tell you something." I tell her.

"Okay. What is it?"

"You have to promise not to tell anyone. Keep it a secret. And please don't judge me." I say, pleadingly.

"I promise." She says.

I take a deep breath, and try to relax my muscles. I sit for a minute with my eyes closed before speaking.

"I like someone." I say.

"Most people our age do."

"No. I mean, I like a girl."

"I don't care who you like. It's who you are." She states, reassuring.

"Do I know this person?" She asks.


"Is it Hanna?"





"Ew. No."

"Umm, okay? ..Me?"

"Sorry, but no."

"Bridget Woo?"

"Ha! No!"


"Hell no!" I say, and actually laugh.

"...Alison?" She whispers.

I stay silent.

"It is Alison?" She asks, and I slowly nod my head yes.

I look at her with tears in my eyes.

"Don't cry." She says, and pulls me into a warm embrace.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I kissed her, and told her I liked her. She told me she liked me, too. And then she kissed me back."

"So she likes you."

"But she's been avoiding talking about it, and today she was with Noel Kahn." I sniffle.

"Let's go back to school, and we'll see what happens." She suggests.

"Okay..." I whisper, and Aria gets up.

"Ar, wait." I say. She turns and looks at me confused.

I take her hand in mine, and open it.

"What are you doing?" She asks, confused.

"Thank you...For helping me." I tell her, and place the blade in her hand.

She looks at me and smiles, before throwing the blade off the cliff.

Alison POV:
I go to first period, English with Mr. Fitz and see the girls aren't here.

I look around confused, before sitting down.

Noel smiles at me, and sits in the seat next to me.

After 30 minutes, all 4 of them walk in.

"Ladies! Where were you four?" He asks.

Aria says something to him, and he nods at her like he understands. I look over and see Hanna and Spencer smirking at Aria when she sits down.

Aria glares at them, and lightly pushes both of them.

Aria in front, Spencer, then Emily. Usually Emily sits next to me.

I feel someone tap my shoulder, and I turn to see Noel smiling at me.

"Do you want to go out with me tonight? Dinner and a movie? 7 PM?" He asks.

I'm not even sure how I came up with this chapter 😂😂😂

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