Chapter 45: Happiness Is...

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Juan week later

Alison POV:
"Emily, have you seen my Infinity shirt?" I call out from her bedroom.

We were released two days ago. Hanna is still in a coma, and so are the twins. But the doctor should be waking them up soon. I hope Hanna wakes up soon.

"You mean this one?" Emily asks from the doorway.

I turn around, and she's standing there with a smirk on her face face and she's wearing my shirt.

"Yes, that one." I say with a smile and kiss her lips as I grab her waist.

"Do you want it back?" She whispers against my lips.

I try to back away from her to look at her, but she just moves forward with every inch I move back, her lips lingering on mine.

I giggle, and she smiles against my lips.

"Mmm...We need to get dressed." I whisper and giver her another peck on the lips.

"No, thank you." Emily responds, and keeps her lips on mine.

"Em, babe. Come on." I laugh, and move my face away from hers.

"Nooo..." She whines, and leans towards me again.

"Someone is horny." I mutter.

Emily's eyes flutter open and she looks at me with a smile on her face.

"You know it." She mumbles.

"Alright, let's go." I say and grab my purse.

"Aliii..." She whines, and grabs my waist.

"Emilyyy..." I mock in the same tone.

She smiles, and pushes me back on the bed.

She straddles my waist, and grabs my hands, pinning them above my head.

"I love you so much." She whispers, and kisses me.

It's not desperate or needy, but slow and passionate.

"I love you, too." I say with a goofy smile.

Emily smiles back, and let's go of my hands to slide hers down my body.

"Emily, we need to go!" I laugh.

"I am going to master the art of a quickie!" She exclaims, and slides her hand into my shorts.

My breathing increases, and my chest heaves.


She slips one finger into me, and I gasp.

She thrusts into me as I moan and scratch her back.

"Oh, God!" I moan, and bite her shoulder.

"Ow!" She laughs, and lifts her face up to look at me.

"S-Sorry." I moan.

She bites her lip, and watches me as I come undone underneath her.

"Ah! Emily!" I scream.

She thrusts into me faster, and I reach my high a few seconds later.

"AHH! Fuck me!" I scream and moan.

"Already done." Emily smirks, and takes her hand out. "Love you!" She says happily.

(A/N You may continue.)

I get control of my breathing, fix my hair and clothes, grab my purse, and leave out the door with Emily.

"You're really sexy. You know that?" Emily says out of nowhere as we walk to the car.

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