Chapter 44: Memories

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Emily POV:
"Oh, my god..." I whisper.

"What?" Luke asks confused with a smile still on his face.

"Did Alison tell you about Ryder?" I ask.
I want to puke thinking about what he did to Alison.

"You mean asshole?" He questions and his smile fades. "Yeah. Why?"

"He's right there." I tell him, and point to the tall brunette asking the nurse something.

"I'm gonna kick his ass." Luke mutters angrily, and starts walking over.
I can remember that boy that I use to hate, and now he's this great guy.

"Don't make a scene in here!" I plead.

Michael grabs Luke and spins him around.

"It's okay, babe. We just have to keep an eye on Alison, Ashton, and Bryn."

"You're right. I'll call Ashton, you call Calum." Luke says and let's put a big breath.

Great. There's going to be two Ashton's...

"I'm going to go check on Alison." I tell them. They nod, and call whoever Ashton and Calum are.


Spencer POV:
"Hey, Han. It's Spencer. You're doing good, so that's great. You better wake up soon. Alison and Emily are supposed to be getting married in a couple months. You're the Maid Of Honor for Emily..." I whisper the last part. I take a deep breath and continue. "Caleb comes by every couple of days. He misses you. A lot. I can't see how much it hurts him to see you like this. It hurts all of us."

I wipe my tears and grab Hanna's hand.

"That guy that you thought was cute is here. Luke. Even though he doesn't know any of us that good besides Alison, I can tell it pains him to see us like this." I say. I chuckle remembering how Hanna tales about him when she first saw Luke.

"Just please wake up." I whisper, and tears fall onto her hand and the bed sheets.

I think about the crash, and start crying more. If only I had reacted faster...


Alison POV:
I was sitting in the hospital bed reading, well skimming, through a magazine when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called out, thinking it was Spencer, Aria, Emily, or Michael and Luke. But it wasn't.

When the door opened and the person stepped in, I was eye to eye with Ryder...

I gulped, and put the magazine down.

Tears build up in my eyes as I remember the event of last year.

"Hey, Alison." He said with a smirk.

"Get out." I demanded.

"Oh, now why would you want that, baby?" He asks huskily. I want to throw up after hearing him call me that. "I could give you everything you need." He adds.

"I said get out!" I order again.

"But I don't wanna." He chuckles.

"But I want you to!" I yell at him angrily.

"...So, how've you been?" He questions after a few seconds of staring at me.

"I was great until you showed up!" I uttered between gritted teeth.

"So, where's your little toy?" He asks me as he looks around the room.

"What?" I ask confused, annoyed, and mad.

"Your toy. Emily." He replies in a 'duh' tone like its the most obvious thing in the world.

"She's not a toy." I tell him and roll my eyes. "Now get out."

"Yes she is. Now, I just want to talk to you." He says sadly with a pout.

"I don't want to talk to you. You're an ignorant, stupid little perverted bitch ass that everybody hates." I tell him and purse my lips. "Now, get out!"


"GET THE FUCK OUT! NOW!" I shout, and press the nurse button.

A nurse comes in and looks at me, asking what's wrong.

"Get this asshole out of here." I say and point at Ryder.

He does as told, and grabs Ryder and pushes him out of the room.

I think back to everything that's happened over the last 19 months.

The car crashes last year and yesterday, the rape, all the fights I've had, Emily's love, the twins being born, and now this.

How did my life become so hateful and horrible, but so lovable and heartfelt? Why can't I just live my life the way I want?

Emily's right. We need to get out of Rosewood. And soon.

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