Chapter 10: Hospital

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Alison POV:
"I need Emily." I cry out.

"...She's at the hospital waiting for you." He says after a few seconds.

"She is?!" I ask happily.

"Yeah. Let's go her her." He says, and smiles.

Emily POV:
I drive to the bridge in Rosewood and see it's backed up.

"Seriously?!" I groan.

I look behind me and see there are already more cars, so I'm stuck.

I sigh, and park my car on the side of the road.

I get out, and walk across to look down at the river.

I see a tow truck and a bunch of firefighters pulling a car out of the river.

"Damn..." I whisper.

I look at the car more closely, and notice something...

It's Alison's car.

I run down the hill to the guys in a hurry, and stop right before I run into one.

"Miss, you can't be down here." One guy says.

"The person that was driving this car. What did they look like?" I ask, worried.

"Female. Long blonde hair. Crystal blue eyes." Another firefighter answers.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Didn't Salvatore take her to the hospital?" A blonde with blue eyes asks. I read his name tag. Matt.

"Yeah. I think he did." A guy, Tyler, says.

"When you get to the hospital, ask for Stefan Salvatore." Matt says.

"I'll drive you. You won't be able to get through without assistance." Tyler offers.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"Dr. Grey! How are you doing?!" Tyler greets a woman.

"I'm doing good." She smiles.

"Do you know where Stefan is?" He asks.

"He's with Derek and a girl in Neuro." She tells him.

"Thanks!" He says to her.

"Come on." He says, and grabs my hand, leading us to what I'm guessing is Neuro.

We get there, and I see Alison.

Except she isn't Alison.

"You told me she was here!" She cried out.

"You lied..." She whispers.

"I need Emily!" She wails.

She's sitting on the bed grabbing her hair, and holding her ears.

"Alison. Everything is fine." The young firefighter tells her.

"No it's not." She cries.

"...Alison?" I softly say.

She looks up and I see her beautiful tear stained face. Even when she's crying and covered in cuts and bruises, she's still gorgeous.

"Emily!" She exclaims, smiling wide.

"Hi. I'm Stefan." The brown haired, brown eyed boy says.

"Emily." I respond.

"Here are some sweatpants and a t-shirt. She needs to change so she doesn't get sick." He says, handing me the clothes.

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