Chaptet 2: Alison

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10 minutes into class, the door opens and that girl that I literally ran into in the hallway walks in.

She goes up to Mr. Fitz' desk and hands him a piece of paper.

"Students! We have a new student! Alison DiLaurentis. Please treat her with kindness and respect, and guys, please. Give her space to breath. Don't hit on her on her first day." He says, and ends in a sigh, and the class laughs and Alison smiles a shy smile. Cute.

She looks around the room for a place to sit, but there aren't any. Except for the spot by me. Yay!

"Alison!" I call out, and she turns her head to look at me.

"There's a spot right here by me!" I exclaim.

She walks over and sits next to me.

"Hi." I say to her.

"Umm...Hi." She stutters out.

After a few boring classes, it's finally lunch!

I walk over to my locker to put my stuff away, and I see Alison a few lockers, struggling to get hers open.

I put my stuff up, and close my locker, before walking towards Alison.

"Hey." I say, and she jumps.

"Umm, sorry to scare you. It looked like you needed help." I tell her, and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Emily, is it?" She asks, and I look at her.

"I got it wrong, didn't I?" She quickly says, and looks down.

"No, no. You got it right." I say, and she lets out a breath, and sighs in relief.

"What's your combination?" I ask, smiling.


"98? You're birthday?" I question, and she nods her head slightly.

"I assumed. It's 2015, we're 17. Wild guess." I say, and smile at her.

"Thank you." She says, gesturing toward her locker.

"Of course." I say, and I lean against the locker.

"Aren't you going to lunch?" She ask after a few seconds.

"Lunch? Here? In the cafeteria? Hell no!" I say, and she giggles.

"It's that bad, huh?" She jokes.

"Horrible." I say, and pretend to gag.

"My friends and me usually eat at The Grille anyways." I add.

Just then, Mona Vanderwaal walks by.

"Oh, who's the new girl?" She says, with an evil smirk.

I already know by the look on Mona's face, that Ali is going to be her new victim.

"A-Alison." Alison stutters.

I can see the look of fear in her eyes.

"A skinny bitch." Mona says, which I find annoying because Mona is pretty damn skinny herself.

"Leave her alone, Mona." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Or what?" She challenges me.

"You don't want to know, Vanderwaal." I challenge back. She scoffs and and walks away.

"That wasn't one of your friends, was it?" Alison questions me.

"Mona? Ew, no." I say.

"Come on." I say to Ali, as I grab her arm and pull her toward the cafeteria.

"I thought you didn't like the schools food." Alison says, confused.

"We're getting my friends." I tell her.

I go over to the table they're all sitting at.

"You 3 ready?" I ask.

"Yeah." They all say in unison, as they grab their things and get up from the table.

"This is Alison." I say, pointing to my new friend.

"Hi, Aria." My short brunette friend says.

"Hanna. The blonde says. Her and Ali could be twins.

"Spencer. I think I've seen you around actually. First period, Mr. Fitz?" Spencer asks.

"Umm, yeah. And I think I'm your new neighbor." Alison responds.

"Oh, yeah. Duh!" Spencer says, and taps her forehead.

"I have my motorcycle. Alison, you could ride in Spencer's car, or with me." I tell her.

She looks from me to my friends, then back at me.

"I have an extra helmet. Knowing Emily, I'll always need it." Spencer laughs out, and Alison smiles.

"Watch it, Hastings." I joke, and Spencer raises her hands like shes being arrested, we both giggle.

"Motorcycle!" Alison exclaims.

Spencer grabs the helmet from her trunk, and hands it to Alison.

Spencer helps her adjust it so it fits Alison's tiny head. She looks ridiculously adorable.

"You guys ready?" I ask, as I start my engine.

"Yep!" They all reply.

I drive off, Alison clinging onto my waist. I laugh to myself behind my helmet, and go faster, causing Alison to grab onto me tighter.

We get to The Grille, and go inside to eat lunch.

I really like these girls. They make me feel loved.

We get back to school, and the lunch room is empty.

"Shit..." Hanna mutters under her breath. I looked around at the girls confused.

"You're in luck, Blondie! We all have 5th period together." The tall brunette, Spencer says.

We looked at my schedule while at she Grille, and discovered we have every class together.

Spencer grabs my left arm, Emily grabs my right arm, and they start running down the hall at the same time. Practically dragging me along.

"Girls! You're late!" The teacher says.

"So sorry. We were showing Ms. DiLaurentis around. We lost track of time." Spencer tells her.

I look around, and there are 6 empty seats.

Spencer goes and sits next to a boy with brown spiked up hair and blue eyes.

Aria and Hanna go and sit next to each other, and Emily drags me to another table.

There is still one seat left.

Just them, that girl, Mona I think it was, walks in. She turns around, and when she sees me, she smirks. Sinisterly.


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