Chapter 48: Beach Day With The Babes

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Emily POV:
I was sleeping peacefully when I hear Ash screaming and crying.

I jump up out of bed and go to his room.

After the crash, he had night terrors up until he was about two years old. It doesn't help that he has a slight fear of water, Bryn pushed him into the pool earlier, and we're going to the beach later.

It's six AM, and we're supposed to be leaving at eight.

I lay down next to him, and cuddle him.

"Shh..It's okay, baby." I whisper, and rub his back.

He calms down after a few minutes, and clings onto my shirt.


"Emily, wake up." I hear Alison say. "What are you doing in Ashton's room?" She asks.

I rub my eyes, and open them to the sunlight blinding me.

"Close the curtains!" I groan.

Alison closes the curtains, and moves the hair out of my face.

"What're you doing sleeping in a five year olds bed?" She asks.

"Did you not hear him crying?" I ask shocked at how she didn't hear him.

"No. I was out." She says.

"He was screaming his head off." I mumble. "What time is it?" I ask sleepily and yawn.

"Seven thirty."

"Come on. We're meeting the girls there." She says.

I get up, and pick up a sleeping Ashton.

"Is the car packed?" I ask.


"Oh, my gosh, I love you." I whisper, and kiss her irresistible lips.

"I love you, too." She giggles.

We get all of the kids in the car, and head off to the beach.


Alison POV:
"I love you." Ash says, and grabs my face. He smiles, and gives me a kiss.

"I love you." I gush.

Emily takes Eli, and walks on the beach with him, holding him up by his little hands.

I put my hat on, and kiss his cheek.

"You are so cute with your kids! I'm blowing up Instagram with pictures of you." Hanna says.

"You have a baby, too." I laugh, and point to the naked baby in the sand.

"Yeah. He's pretty darn cute." She sighs, and takes a picture of him.

"Why are your kids naked?" Aria asks Hanna and me as she walks over with Ezra.

"Hey, Aria! And they're naked because they're cute." I say.

Lucas is sitting looking out at he ocean, and Ash is sitting on his knees looking out at the ocean. Both naked.

"Look at those curls!" Spencer shouts with a smile as her and Toby walk over. "Ash is so cute." She gushes.

"My baby is cute, too!" Hanna yells.

"He is. But look at Ash with that platinum blonde hair, and those curls!" Aria says.

Toy laughs, and takes off his shirt.

He runs over, and jumps in the water with Caleb and Ezra.

"I many be gay, but those abs are nice. Ezra's and Caleb's, too." Emily sighs as she walks over with Eli.

"I agree." Hanna says, and lays back in her beach chair.

"You know what else is nice?" Spencer asks.

"What?" Aria, Hana, Emily and me ask in unison.

"The fact that there's no one else here." She says, and sits down on her orange I Am Busy towel.

We all nod in agreement, and take out the food.

"Bryn! You want some blackberries?" Emily asks.

"Yeah!" She yells excitedly, and runs over.

Ash runs over, and gets hit by a small wave.

"Ahh!" He screams, and runs over to us.

"You okay?" Aria asks.

"The water is bad." He say, and points at he waves that are getting bigger.

"You're still on that, huh?" Hanna says.

"Yep." Emily says, popping the 'P' at the end. "It's like he wants to forget it, but his mind won't let him." She adds.

"And it doesn't help that Bryn thinks it's funny to push him in the pool." I say.

"Don't they know how to swim?" Spencer asks.

"Yeah, but he panics and ends up choking or almost choking." I say.

"Poor baby." Hanna pouts, and goes over to him.

Hanna POV:
"Wanna swim?" I ask Ash.

"No." He responds, and pours the ocean water into the hole he dug.

"I'll hold you." I tell him.

"...Okay." He gives in, and stands up.

"I remember one time we went to the beach, and aunt Aria scared me, and I dropped you, but you clung onto my bikini top. And then your mommy Alison hit me in the back of the head." I tell him, and he giggles.

"That's funny." He says, and flashes me a bright smile.

"It is. And she got mad at me and started yelling at me." I say.

"Mommy likes to yell." He says.

"Did you hear that, Alison?" I call out to her.

"Hear what?" She asks.

"Ash says that you like to yell." I laugh.

"Shut up!" She yells, and flips me off.

"See?!" Ash exclaims, and shrugs, sticking his hands out from the side.

"I want another sister." Ash tells me.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"Because so I can have a nice sister. Bryn is mean." He says, and scrunches up his face.

"Would you want your mommy or mama to have the baby?" I ask.

"Mama. Because she's nicer than mommy." He says.

I laugh, and kiss the top of his head.

"Let's go eat some fruit." I say, and he nods his head.

"Hey, Em. Ash here wants you to have a baby. Because you're, and I quote 'nicer than mommy'." I laugh.

"I am quite the charmer." She jokes, and acts like she's straightening her jacket.

"Let's eat, and then we'll go swimming." Aria says.

"Guys, come on! We're going to eat!" Spencer calls out to the boys.

Alison is playing with Eli, ticking his feet and making funny faces at him.

This is the life.

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