Chapter 6: Suicide

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"I'm gay." I repeat.

"And I like you Alison." I say.

She doesn't say anything. She just looks at me. Staring at me with her deep blue eyes.

"I understand if you h-hate me now. I hate m-me t-too. I shouldn't h-have told y-you. I-I'm s-sor-sorry." I ramble on, getting up.

"Emily..." Alison calls me as I run out, but I don't listen. I keep running. The tears falling.

I keep running until I reach the cliff overlooking Rosewood. It looks so peaceful.

I cry as I sit on a rock near the edge.

I realize I left my motorcycle at the school. "FUCK!" I yell out at the top of my lungs. But I realize it's not because I left my motorcycle, it's because I screwed things up with Alison.


It would be that easy.

All I have to do is jump off of this rock.

"Suicide is painless." I whisper as I close my eyes, and stand up on the rock.

No one would really care. The girls are all busy with their lives, and their boyfriends. My dad is in the military. My parents don't except this kind if thing.

But then I think about Alison...Mona would continue bullying her if I were gone.

Alison looked at me like I kicked her puppy when I told her I was gay. And that I liked her.

I'm deciding wether I should jump or not when I hear someone calling me.

That voice that I'm so in love with.



Love. I love Alison.

I turn around with the tears streaming down my face, looking her in the eyes.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't want you to!" She yells.

"Why are you screaming at me?!" I yell, sobbing hysterically, clutching my ears, trying to shut her out. Her voice.

She says something, but I can't hear her over my crying, and holding my ears.

I fall to the ground on my knees as I continue to cry.

"I WANT TO DISAPPEAR! ONE DAY! THAT'S ALL I ASK!" I scream out at the top of my lungs.

"EMILY!" Alison yells over my screaming and crying.

"WHAT?!" I yell at her.

She walks over to put, placing her hands over mine that are covering my ears. She gently removes them, and looks me in the eyes.

"Shhh...It's going to be okay." She says.

"Y-you hate m-me n-now." I cry out.

"No I don't." She says.

"E-Even of you d-don't, e-every-everyone els-else wi-will." I stutter, while still crying.

"You see these?" She asks, pointing to the cuts on her left wrist.

I look at her with sad eyes.

"This is because I let the people get to me." She says.

"The demons..." I whisper.

"You can't let them get to you. Show them that you don't care." She speaks.

"You don't hate me?" I question.

"Of course not." She answers, and I crack a small smile.

She pulls me into her, and I melt in her arms.

"Thank you." I utter against her chest.

"Anytime." She whispers, and looks down at me.

I look up, and blue meets brown.

"I like you, too, Emily." She says, and kisses me with passion.

Sorry it's so short.
I wanted to give all of you an update.
It's Friday, which means I'll be able to update a lot, guys!
Oh, and over 600 reads in just 3 days?
That's awesome!

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