Chapter 49: Family Is All You Need...And Food

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2 years later

Alison POV:
"Babe, I have to go to work. Let me get up!" I laugh.

"But I want to snuggle!" Emily whines, and tightens her grip around my waist.

"I snuggle, too!" Eli yells as he runs into our bedroom.

"Me three!" Ashton shouts.

"My four!" Bryn exclaims.

"Me!" Our other little girl, Emerson says. She's fifteen months old, I carried her.

We did this thing where you can get DNA or whatever from both parents, and make a baby. So we got out tan, dark curly haired girl with bright blue eyes.


"Mama, can you help me with my homework? Please." Bryn asks as she interlocks her fingers together and bats her eyelashes.

"Of course." I reply, and kiss her forehead.

"I forgot how to do this." She says, and points to the math problem.

"What the hel-heck?" I say. "Why are you doing multiplication?" I ask.

"Because we're seven years old already. I'm in first grade!" She says in a 'duh' tone.

"Yeah, yeahs. No need to remind me." I say, and cover her mouth.

She giggles, and removes my hand from her mouth.


"Yes, baby?" I ask and look at her.

"You know I love you? A lot?" She asks.

"Yes, I know. And I love you." I say.

"But I love you more than anyone else in the house."

Gah, the cuteness of this kid.

"You're my favorite seven year old princess."

"Mama! I'm the only seven year old princess!" She screeches with laughter.

"There are other first grade princesses out there. But you're my favorite." I tell her.

She smiles, and kisses my nose.

"I love you, mama." She says.

"I love you, Bryn."

I help her with her homework, and then go upstairs to see Alison, Ashton, Eli, and Emerson cuddling.

I convinced Alison to stay home today.

"Ashton, did you do your homework?" I ask as I sit down.

"Yeah. Mommy helped me." He says.

"Great." I say, and lay down. "Now we can relax."

"Did Bryn do hers?" Ashton asks me.

"Yep. And then mama gave me fruit snacks." Bryn answers for me.

"Bryn! That was supposed to be our secret!" I whisper loudly, and wink at her.

"Oops." She giggles, and covers her mouth.

Alison rolls her eyes, and grabs Bryn.

"Snuggle with me." She says, and hugs Bryn.

"I wanna snuggle mama!" Bryn shouts as she giggles and tries to squirm out of Alison's grip.

"This family is all I need." I say to Alison and sigh happily.

"And food. You can't forget food. You need food." Ashton says.

I laugh, and snuggle up to Emerson Eli.

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