Games [1]

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Answer your phone
"What?" Eddie groans sitting up
Your phone. It's making noise. Answer it

Eddie grabbed for his phone and answered it. The voice on the other end was Anne. After they broke things off they stayed relatively close.

"Hey Eddie, I was just calling to check up on you and Venom." Anne says
"Oh hey Anne we're doing fine. I mean I'm getting articles done for once, making meetings on time. Venoms doing fine. Hasn't eaten anyone recently." Eddie answers
We definitely have eaten people
"Vee." Eddie sighs
"Well sounds like you two are having fun...I think at least." Anne chuckles
"You could say we have in a way." Eddie yawns sinking into his pillows
"Oh shit. I would talk to you a bit longer but I'm gonna be late for a meeting. I'll call you later." Anne says hanging up
That was nice
"*Yawn* yeah. Yeah it was Vee." Eddie says

Eddie turns to be on his side again, and closes his eyes. Untill Venom forces Eddies eyes open.

What are you doing? It's 10:00
"I know Vee, it's also Saturday. There for it's a lazy day." Eddie groans

Venom doesn't interject and he just snuggles into Eddie's arms. As much as Venom wanted to get up and eat something. He knew Eddie needed the sleep. After a while Venom woke up again and became extremely bored. He wriggled out of Eddie's arms and grabbed his laptop. He opened up to a new tab to play some games. Specifically Tetris, Eddie taught Venom how to play it a while back. Now whenever he was bored and Eddie was asleep he would always play that game. He was never quite good at it but it killed his boredom.

"Tetris?" Eddie asked sitting up again
Yeah. Can you teach me a new game
"Sure babe. Let's try solitaire. Shouldn't be too hard." Eddie chuckles

Eddie boots up Solitaire and starts explaining to Venom how everything worked.

"Ok so you wanna put the cards in order from King to Ace. The order is King, queen, jack, and then 10-1 in descending order. Make sense?" Eddie asks
Yeah. We think we get it
"Ok we'll try it out and see how you do. I'll be here if you get stuck." Eddie says patting venom on the head

Eddie gets up and grabs a random book to read while Venom plays his game. It doesn't take long before Venom gets frustrated and throws Eddie's computer across the room. Eddie grabs the laptop looking for any damages. Luckily there wasn't any. He sighs and puts it back in front of Venom.

Arghhhh. No we don't wanna play that stupid game anymore!
"Is it cause you got stuck?" Eddie asks
"Figured. Let's see where you got stuck." Eddie sighs taking the laptop

Venom slithers onto Eddie bare chest and watches as Eddie shows him where he went wrong and how to fix it. Venom figures out the rest of the game and plays untill he wins. He clicks out and looks for a new game. He looks for a while untill he spots the icon of a very colorful looking game.

"Candy crush? What are you, a 30 year old mom of 3?" Eddie asks holding back laughs
Is it a bad game for us to play?
"What no. No it's not Vee it's just funny cause really the only people that play it are middle aged women." Eddie chuckles
So can we play it?
"Sure it's probably easier than solitaire anyway." Eddie says booting up the game

After a while of venom playing the game he gets the swing of things. He gets to the levels where there is a timer and stresses out a bit. He turns over to Eddie for help, suddenly forgetting how to play.

"Need help babe?" Eddie asks
Yes this level is confusing
"How so? It's just like very other level. It just has a time limit so your gonna have to make matches as fast as you can." Eddie explains

Venom gets back to playing while Eddie reads. Eddie glances at his alarm clock and sees the time. 1:30. He gets up and stretches.

What are you doing
"Getting up finally." Eddie says "plus I'm hungry."
"Argh yes food. Just close the laptop so I can get changed and we can visit mrs. Chen for some noodles or something." Eddie groans

Eddie walks over to his bathroom and starts the shower. He strips down and looks for cloths to wear.

"What do you think looks good Vee?" Eddie asks
The cloths or your ass
"Venom I-I'm talking about cloths here." Eddie stutters
I'm not
"Ok fine don't help me. I'll just wear these." Eddie says

He grabs a plain red v-neck shirt, and a pair of shorts. He steps in the shower and just as he was letting the water trickle down his body he heard Venoms voice in his head.

Your hot just saying
"And you don't need to be looking at me while I shower dickhead." Eddie spits
You can't escape me...babe
"Just cause you said babe means nothing when I'm showering. You're not getting any of this." Eddie says as we washes off the last of the soap off his body
You say that now
"And I'll say that forever." Eddie says changing

Eddie grabs a jacket and heads outside. He starts walking to mrs. Chens little store to get some food for the two of them. Once he gets there he's greeted as usual by mrs. Chen.

"Hello Eddie!" She says smiling at him
"Hi Mrs. Chen." Eddie says heading to the back
"Hi Venom." She says
Hello Mrs. Chen

Eddie grabs some cups of noodles, 5 bags of tater tots, and 10 bars of chocolate. He walks over to the register and pays for his stuff.

"You two sure do eat a lot." Mrs. Chen jokes
"Haha yeeaah we really do." Eddie says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well you two have a good rest of your evening." Mrs. Chen says as the pair walk out.
"You too." Eddie and Venom say in unison


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