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You never truely realize how empty the world is without your lover. That's how Eddie felt. Alone, empty, scared. He didnt realize how much he'd miss the voice booming in his head 24/7. He knew he had to find Venom. He just knew that deep down Venom felt the same no matter how much Venom denied it. They loved each other they couldn't be separated. Literally. Eddie was more worried about Venom than himself at this point, he ran infront of cars, jumped over high ledges. Just to find Venom. If he was still near by. If.

Eddie hated relying on a fucking word to keep his hopes up. At this point he had been searching for hours to find him. He looked in all of his favorite spots which wasn't a lot but still he covered a lot of ground on the way. It's not like a giant black monster made out of goo isn't hard to find. But of course Venom is ridiculously hard to find. That is untill Eddie heard a familiar growl coming from an alley way.

Not when your head looks incredibly delicious.
"VENOM!" Eddie shouted

Venom dropped the crook and ran to Eddie. He un-bonded with the host he was using and got back into Eddie resting in his favorite spot under his pancreas.

"I missed you so much V." Eddie said
We missed you more. We're sorry we left you.
"It's ok Vee. I forgive you. And I'm sorry for whatever i did to want you to leave." Eddie sayed
Your not mad at us?
"No why would I be? I'm just glad you're ok." Eddie sighed
So can we do something to celebrate?
"Like what?" Eddie asked
Movie night?
"Sure we can do that" Eddie sayed
"But we're getting food first. Cause I'm hungry and you're hungry." Eddie sayed walking to Mrs. Chens


"Hey Mrs. Chen." Eddie said walking to the tater tots
"Hello Eddie. Hey Venom. The chocolate shipment just came in by the way. I'll have them by the counter when you're ready." Mrs. Chen said
Thank you Mrs. Chen

Eddie grabbed some tater tots, gummy sharks, and a 2-liter of mountain dew. Mrs. Chen handed Eddie the shipment box as he payed for the other stuff and the couple were set and heading home. By the time they got home it was dark out. Eddie hadn't realized he had been searching for Venom all day. But all that mattered was that Venom was safe and with Eddie. He set the box by the fridge grabbing a couple bars. He then set the tater tots in the oven and tossed the gummy sharks onto the coffee table. He sat between the couch and the coffee table on the floor.

Why don't you sit on the couch? Ya know like a normal person.
"I dunno Vee, wish I could tell you." Eddie sayed standing up questioning himself

He sat down on the couch grabbing the remote.

"Ok bud you choose the movie tonight." Eddie sighed tossing a shark into his mouth
Grey's anatomy.
"No not that anything but that show." Eddie groans
Fine American Horror Story.
"finally a good show." Eddie sighs putting the show on
What's wrong with Greys anatomy?
"The major question is what isn't. I mean literally everyone dies by the end." Eddie says mouth full of tater tots
You just don't have taste.
"Says the alien that actually likes the taste of cum." Eddie jokes
What it tastes like potato chips.
"Have you ever even had potato chips?" Eddie asks
"Exactly so you're actually the one with no taste." Eddie laughs

Eddie continued eating his sharks and watching the show untill he eventually ran out. He got up threw them away and went into his room. He tossed his shirt on the floor next to his bed and walked back out and layed back down on the couch.

Why are you shirtless?
"Cause I can be?" Eddie says confused
I can see ur chest hair.

Venom smacks Eddie's stomach.

"I-why do I even ask at this point." Eddie sighs looking at the ceiling
"It's nothing Vee. Just don't worry about it." Eddie says
Did I do something wrong?
"What? No, no you didn't. You just confuse me...a lot." Eddie explains
"Right." Eddie says

Eventually the pair finish up the season they were on and decide to call it quits for the night. Eddie cleans up the coffee table and throws all the Tash away. He then grabs the remote and turns off the TV. Eddie heads back to his room and lays down and tries to fall asleep. But yet again he can't because of Venoms midnight questions.

"Ya know babe, I love you but please for the love of God go to sleep."


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