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ARGH! What was that
"Fireworks babe. They can't hurt us." Eddie says
How do you know
"I've been on this planet for 38 years trust me. They can't hurt you unless ur being stupid with one." Eddie chuckles
Still don't trust them
"Ok Vee." Eddie says holding venom closer to him

*Boom* *boom*

Eddie could feel deep in his bones that Venom wasn't worried about Eddies safety with the fireworks. Venom was scared of them himself. He put Venom on his shoulder and got up and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a bag of tater tots and made Venom some tater tots.

You're hungry?
"No but I bet they'll calm you down." Eddie says petting Vee
You sure
"Yeah. You always love tater tots so I don't see why now is any different Vee." Eddie sighs


Venom wimpered and Sept back into Eddie, right under his stomach where he felt the safest. Venom started shivering making Eddie's entire body do the same. Eddie put the tots in the oven and sat back down on the couch.

"Vee?" Eddie asks
"You ok?" Eddie asks
No the booms are terrifying. Eddie are they gonna hurt us?
"No babe. Like I said earlier they can't hurt us when we're inside." Eddie says trying to soothe the symbiote
You sure?
"I'm sure, love." Eddie sighs
Another nickname
"Yeah Vee another nickname." Eddie laughs


Another firework erupts in the sky just as the tater tots are done cooking. Eddie grabs them, lays back down and puts the plate on his stomach infront of Venom. Venom slowly eats them constantly eyeing the window for the fireworks.

*Boom* *Boom*

Venom jumps and drops the tater tots on the floor. Eddie could feel how distraught Vee was between the floor tater tots and the fireworks that venom might just explode like the fireworks outside his window.

When will they stop Eddie
"I wish I could tell you babe. I would assume around one...maybe." Eddie says picking up the tater tots
"No Vee, they'll end eventually. I'll be surprised if they last all night." Eddie sighs
At least we're with you
"Yeah at least." Eddie says

Venom finishes the rest of the tater tots, and seeps back into Eddie. Another firework goes off and venom jumps against Eddie's stomach.

"ARGH!" Eddie yells
Are you ok
"No Vee you just shoved my stomach against my ribs." Eddie says doubling over
We're sorry babe
"Agh no your fine. Ow ok that actually hurts way more than it should. Little help buddy?" Eddie asks
Already on it

Venom goes to heal Eddie of his pain when more fireworks go off causeing the same thing to happen again.

"ARGHHH! I thought you were fixing the problem. Agh, not...gah...making it worse." Eddie moans in pain
We're sorry do you still want me to fix it?
"No! No. It's fine, I'll be fine." Eddie says

Venom forms his full body form and pics up Eddie. Eddie says norhing and just lays in his arms. Another firework goes off and venom stays as still as he possibly could. He didn't stay very still but Eddie wasn't in pain again so he though he did well. Venom could feel that Eddies breathing slowed so he told himself it was time to "sleep". Venom never slept cause he never had to do he would just close his eyes when Eddie went to bed so he could at least be like Eddie when he slept. He carefully got up and places Eddie on his bed. Venom slipped beside him still in his full form and cuddles up to him. Another firework went off and Venom shivered trying not to wake Eddie. Eddie turned around and cuddled into venom more comforting his second half.


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