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"did we seriously have to explore an abandoned house on Halloween? Instead of oh I dunno going to a party." Eddie said crouching under a wooden plank covering a doorway
Yes it'll be fun trust me.
"Ya know I honestly would rather have my guts ripped apart by a hot knife wielding murderer than explore a POTENTIALLY HAUNTED abandoned house."
"I AM NOT!" Eddie yelled shoving a dresser out of the way
Eddie's a pussy.
"Will you shut up?" Eddie spat


"What was that?" Eddie asked

Eddie realized the sound was from upstairs. As scared as he was he had venom form a blade and he readied himself for anything. He headed upstairs and opened a door. Finding nothing but clutter. He opened another door and found nothing but a teddy bear and some old books.

We should take the bear.
"No what if it's haunted." Eddie whispered

Venom fully formed and grabbed the bear.

I'm keeping him.
"If you get my apartment haunted I swear to god. I'll kill us both." Eddie groaned


Eddie jumped into Venoms arms startled. Venom held on to him as he walked out of the room, throwing the teddy bear before closing the door. Venom went to grab another doorknob untill he jerked his hand back.

"What's wrong Vee?" Eddie asks confused
The doorknob...was cold.
"Ok it's metal it's gonna be cold." Eddie says
No like freezing cold not just cool.

Venom let Eddie down and Eddie touched the knob and immediately jerked his hand back. Eddie kicked down the door to find bodies...frozen bodies. The couple went to turn around and get the hell out of the house but were met with what Eddie described as

"A fucking ghost. I TOLD YOU BITCH." Eddie yelled

Eddie puched the ghost actually making physically contact with it's face. When it hitthe ground it sprung back up and grabbed Eddie by the throat breaking skin with it's fingers. Eddie kicked it in the jaw breaking it. The ghost just fixed it's jaw and got back to attacking Eddie. Venom grabbed the ghosts neck and snapped it. That seemingly did the ghost in...for the most part. The ghosts arms were still sentiant. And this time they lunged at Venom passing right through him. Eddie grabbed the arms and broke every finger off the hands leaving the arm with no way to move. And Venom grabbed the bones and ate them.

"What was that thing?" Eddie said out of breath
I don't know but your neck and wrists are bleeding.

Eddie touched his neck and felt the blood trickling down his neck and staining is shirt. And be looked down to see his hands covered in blood. Venom wrapped himself around Eddie's wrists and licked his neck cleaning the blood and healing the wounds.

"That was the weirdest way to heal my wounds you've ever done." Eddie said
Hey your healed now don't question my methods
"I wasn't questioning them I was just saying it was weird." Eddie sighed "anyway let's get the hell outta here I'm officially freaked out more than I was."

As they made their way out they were faced with a group of teenagers exploring too. Venom quickly went back to Eddie's pancreas before they spotted him. The teens hadn't spotted Eddie...untill he tripped and fell over a cinderblock. Breaking his ankle and a couple fingers, and reopening his wounds from earlier.

How did u do that.
I dunno but don't do anything about it with them around.

One of the teens whipped around and shot Eddie in the shoulder.

"ARGH WHAT THE FUCK!?" Eddie screamed
"Who the fuck are you?" They asked
"A guy doing argh the same thing you guys are. Damnit this hurts."
"Then why were you hiding in the shadows like a creep?" A girl asked
"Cause this place is basically all shadows dumbass. And why the hell do you have a gun?" Eddie asked
"Protecting us from people like you." A guy said
"Ya know what I'm done you wanna be dipshits about this shit. Ill give you something to protect yourself against." Eddie sayed annoyed
I'm not killing a bunch of teenagers.
I know but you can scare them.

Venom emerged behind Eddie scarring the teenagers. Eddie playing into the "joke" whipped around and yelled to puching venom in the stomach. The teenagers ran one out yeah entrance and Eddie ran out the exit. Eddie watched as the teens looked at him terrified as venom "ate" Eddie. The teens ran to there car and drove off.

"Ya did good babe. Ya did good." Eddie said
Let me fix you...again.
"Yeah that would be great." Eddie said

Venom healed Eddie again and rested on his shoulder as they walked to his motorcycle.

Still don't know why they had a gun on them.
"Yeah no they definitely were using for defense. They probably were selling drugs." Eddie sighed reving the engine

As they ride home Venom couldn't wrap his mind around the teenagers.

"Love it would probably do you better to forget about them. They weren't up to any good but neither were we so we can't be angry about them." Eddie said
But what if they actually do something bad because we didn't do anything about them earlier?
"Vee baby like I said before they won't do anything. They're teens the worst thing they'll do is fuck and do drugs." Eddie said
You say that like you've had experience.
"You say that like you haven't seen my vape on the counter and definitely haven't fucked me before." Eddie joked
Ok? Smoking can kill you.
"You literally keep me alive. But if you really want me to stop I will...probably...not." Eddie sighed
I didn't say you should stop I know I keep you alive. I'm just saying don't put that in other people's heads that that's ok.
"Ok babe. I won't." Eddie says laughing

Eddie puts his motorcycle in park and heads into his apartment. Before he can open his door he sees one of the teenagers.
"Can I help you?" Eddie asked
"Yeah. Can u pick a lock?"
"Yeah here let me help you." Eddie said

Eddie put in his key and unlocked the door. The teenager looked at him and ran inside grabbing some stuff like Eddies laptop. Eddie closed the door and locked it again. he put down his keys and ooed the fridge looking for something to drink he pulled out a beer. He grabbed his notepad and added more beer to his grocery list.

"What are you doing man do you want us to get caught? We're here to take things not drink beer."
"Ok well you've got time trust me." Eddie chuckled

Eddie went back j to his room closing and locking the door. He changed into a tank top and pajama pants. He walked back out to see the kid still stealing things.

"You changed cloths?!?" Dude!"
"Well I guess the funs over we should probably head out." Eddie sighed
"Yeah let's go Jesus Christ."
"Oh but put my stuff back before you go." Eddie said
"Yeah put it back dumbass." Eddie said

Venom formed on Eddie's shoulder smiling at the kid. The kid slowly put all the stuff in the kitchen counter and went to leave only to find the door locked.

"Please don't eat me. I didn't know. I was just being stupid. Simple mistake. Right?"
Sure a "simple" mistake is all that was.

With out thinking venom at the teenager.

"What was that about not eating teenagers?" Eddie asks
He was a bad guy. He stole from us and tried killing you earlier. So it was justified.


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