Saturday Night Cuddles

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"babe what time is it?" Eddie groans
You act like we can read alarm clocks
"You can't?" Eddie asks sitting up
No I can barely read dumbass
"I swear there's something new to you every day." Eddie yawns

Eddie gets up and changes into a different pair of pajama pants and grabs his laptop. He opens it to see it's midnight. How he slept all day? He didn't have an answer. He got back to working on his article still had yet to finish. Venom emerged from Eddie and layed down on his chest.

"You really act like a dog." Eddie chuckles
What's that supposed to mean
"Babe you literally infected a dog you know what I mean." Eddie says
Yeah for like 2 minutes
"Whatever." Eddie chuckles

As Eddie works Venom watches intently. Sadly for the both of them the article was excruciatingly boring.

How do you manage to write so many boring articles
"Well it pays the bills and lets us eat." Eddie sighs fixing a typo
Can't you find a new job
"It's not as easy as it sounds Vee." Eddie says

Eddie finally finishes his article and puts his laptop on his nightstand. He gets up and stretches, and heads out to the living room. He makes himself a cup of coffee and Venom some tater tots. As the coffee brews and the tater tots cook Eddie turns on the TV.

"What do you wanna watch Vee." Eddie asks
"Seriously?" Eddie asks again
Yes they're funny
"Ok well which cartoons. It's Saturday so basically every channel is playing cartoons." Eddie says
Looney Tunes
"Damn going straight for the old ones." Eddie jokes
Is that a bad thing
"What? No it's not at all Vee. Looney Tunes is like the best cartoon." Eddie says

Eddie changes the channel to Looney Tunes. He grabs his coffee and Vees tater tots and sits on the couch. Venom forms himself fully and wraps himself around Eddie while he watches the show. Venom started running his claws through Eddie's hair.

"Since when do you do all the affection." Eddie asks  looking up at Venom
Since we decided you needed some
"Sounds fair." Eddie yawns closing his eyes
Tired again
"Kinda. You're just very comfortable." Eddie says
"Yeah. As crazy as it sounds pretty much anything you do to me I find comfort in." Eddie says sitting up
"Put your tongue back in your mouth ya horny bitch." Eddie jokes

Venom grabs Eddie and pulls him closer to him, and holds him for a while. Eddie would shift and Venom would resituate himself.

Time skip

Eddie tried sitting up against the weight of Venoms arms around his waist. Venom wouldn't let go of him.

"Babe if you don't move I'm gonna piss myself." Eddie says trying to escape
Ok? We're comfortable
"I'm not I need to pee." Eddie says finally getting out of Venoms grasp

While Eddie was in the bathroom Venom made himself some more food...well what he thought was "food" at least. Eddie walked back into the kitchen to see venom on the couch eating whatever the hell he made.

"What the hell is that." Eddie asks disgusted
"I- I wouldn't call that food babe." Eddie sighs
Could be worse. It could have been a person
"Honestly a person would probably have been better."

Eddie sits down on the couch next to Venom and flips through the channels, trying to find something to watch.

What happened to Looney Tunes
"The episodes stopped playing. Cartoons don't last all day Vee." Eddie explains
Is there any cartoons still on
"I dunno probably." Eddie shrugs

The couple flips through some more channels untill they give up and hop onto Netflix. They end up watching Stranger Things cause none of the cartoons look appealing to Venom. Eddie hops into Venoms lap and cuddles into him. Venom wraps his arms around Eddie again as they watch the show.


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