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Jennie's POV

In the past weeks I feel really exhausted. I'm tired of always faking everything. I'm tired of faking my smiles, my happiness, my contentment when I know deep inside of me there's a hole that doesn't complete me. I'm longing for someone's touch. Lisa's touch.

I'm here in my office I have a lot of paper works to finish. I know it's bad for me and the baby to get stress but no one will do these things other than me. I'm lucky that I have my best friend Irene to help me with everything. Taehyung tried to audition to be an idol and he got in right away. Everyone knows about our relationship and everybody is thrilled with it. But me? I don't get butterflies at all. Unlike what I felt with Lisa. I miss her so much. But who am I to say I miss her? I'm the one who push her away from my life and broke her into pieces.

"Hey Jen! Are you okay?" Someone woke me up from daydreaming.

"Uhm.. yeah! I'm fine" I went back to finishing all my paper works.

"I think you have to take a vacation leave. Your baby bump is showing and I think you need to just stay at your house and rest." Irene said to me while I'm busy doing my paper works.

"If I took a leave, who's gonna do all these works?" I asked her then I shake my head.

"I'll do it. I'll just bring important papers to your house. That would work right?" She persistently said.

For a second, I thought about it. It wouldn't be bad if I let her do my work right? I'm just being considerate for my baby. Besides, my baby bump is really growing bigger. "Okay, I agree" I said to her and she jump happily. For some reason I teared up and she quickly notice it before I wipe my tears.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing. I just feel so lucky that I'm surrounded with positive people. I love you Unnie!" I said then I hug her tight.

"Enough with the drama and let's get back to work!" I said to her then I chuckle softly "But seriously unnie, thank you so much for always being here by my side." We hug again and then we continue doing our works.

The evening came and it's finally my time to go home. My driver is already waiting for me outside the building and I'm so excited to go home so I can relax. My back is hurting so much and I need a massage.

As I step out of the car, the maids quickly opened the mansion's door and my two dogs raced to jump on me. I pat their heads then I head up to my room to change clothes and rest.

I made my way to my bed then someone knock on my door. "Come in!" I tiredly said

My mom entered my room. "How are you darling? You seem so tired when you came home." My mom worriedly asked.

"I'm going to be honest with you mom. I'm not fine and I'm really exhausted in the past weeks but don't worry I can still handle myself." I said to my mom.

"How can I not worry? You're taking full responsibility of our company even though you're pregnant." My mom said. Worry is visible on her face.

"I already talked to Irene unnie about the company. She said she's going to take over the company while I'm on maternity leave. We've already discussed about it so don't worry mom and tomorrow I have check-up. Do you want to come?"

"What about Taehyung? Aren't he suppose to come during check-ups? Where is he?" My mom asked.

"He's busy on becoming an idol. He doesn't even checks on me nor visited me at work and he's not even coming home. So how is he suppose to come on check-ups?" I said, getting angry at him.

"If your father will know about this, he's dead." My mom grip my bed sheet to release her anger "I'll come with you tomorrow and please eat something before you sleep and don't forget to take your vitamins. I love you sweetheart." She kiss my forehead before she head to their room.

I don't have an appetite but I still have to eat for my baby. I went to the dining to eat something. The food is already served but I don't like it. The smell of it makes me vomit. That was my favorite food but I hate it now. I called the maid.

"Do we have avocado in the fridge?" I ask the maid in a polite way.

"Yes ma'am. Is that what you want for dinner?" The maid ask.

"Yes. And please bring some vanilla ice cream and soy sauce. Thank you!" I said. I'm drooling for my food!

After a while my food came. I put the sliced avocado on a bowl then I put the ice cream and soy sauce on top. YUM!

I don't know why, but the maids are looking at me like I'm eating something gross and weird. This food taste so good I bet they will love it too!!!

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I ask them while I'm enjoying my food.

"Does it taste good ma'am? It looks so weird and gross." The maid said then show a disgust face.

"It's really good! Do you want to have some?" I ask them.

"No thanks ma'am!" They said then walk away.

After I ate I went to my room to take my vitamins then I went to sleep.

Next Day

I woke up around 10:30 AM. I had a good sleep indeed. I get up from my bed to fix it then I made my way to my bathroom to fix myself then I go down to eat my breakfast. I'm craving for bacon and eggs I wish we have them in the fridge.

"What do we have for breakfast today?" I ask the maid.

"Bacon and eggs ma'am." She answered.

"Really?! OMG!!" I run to my seat and begin to eat my cravings.

"Good morning sweetheart!" My dad greeted me.

"Geud mworning ded!" I greeted him while my mouth is full.

"Hey princess, slow down you might get choke! And please don't speak when your mouth is full. I love you my princess!" He said then he kiss my forehead before heading to their room.

After a great breakfast, I went to my room to take a shower and get ready for today's check-up. I just wear a simple blue dress paired with a simple sandals. I put on a mask before heading outside.

Me and my mom arrived at my doctor's clinic. There's so many patients but I booked an appointment so she prioritized me.

"Miss Jennie Kim! Please come in." The nurse said then we came in.

"Hi Jen! How are you?" My doctor asked me.

"I'm good. I took a great rest yesterday." I answered.

"Where's your husband?" My doctor asked.

"He can't come but my mom is here to accompany me." I said then smile.

"Okay then, let's start!" My doctor said then he told me to lie on the bed.

She's doing an ultrasound now. My baby is so cute! I'm 5 months pregnant now and I'm really excited for my baby to come out!

"The baby is healthy but I sense something negative. Have you been stressed out the past days?"

"Actually yes. I tried to avoid it but my work is stressing me out. My back is hurting everyday." I answered her honestly.

"We've talked about this before right? Remove all the negativity in your life while you're pregnant because it's not good for the baby. I suggest you to stop working and just stay at home. Do some light exercise, eat healthy foods, listen to great music and surround yourself with positive people." My doctor advised me.

"Yes doc! I'll do that all! You're really the best!" I complemented her.

"Thank you! And by the way there's a possibility to know the gender next month so stay healthy and well! See you next month take care!" She said before we left her clinic.


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