YUMJI-Sneak In

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Yuju's POV

I'm currently at a bush trying to be sneaky well actually to hide from Umji's parents so I can go up her room through the balcony gosh I'm soaking wet

because of the rain coz obviously this bush is not something to keep you dry and warm coz I'm freezing to death so once the coast was clear I proceeded to climb through Umji's balcony using the pipe attached to the wall this is some next level assassin's creed here....kidding, soon enough after ages of climbing I got to the balcony and knock quietly enough for the one I've literally been waiting to see all day to hear it

"Unnie!!! What are you doing you're soaking wet please get inside you might get sick oh my god!" The slightly smaller girl said panicking cutely "welp it was all worth it if I get to be taken care of my baby thumb here"

"w-whatever unnie just get yourself dry in my bathroom. Here I think this'll fit you" umji said while shyly giving the clothes to me "Somebody's blushing hahaha!, Gomawo yewonie" I said while pinching her cheeks then went straight to do my business in the bathroom.

Umji's POV
I quietly waited for Yuna unnie to finish while I scroll through my phone Im glad unnie's here because being grounded is just no fun I miss her so much hmp a few minutes later I felt the other side of the bed sink and my phone being taken away and literally thrown to god knows where while a girl wearing a cute onesies engulfed me in a tight hug and putting her face right next to my neck

"I miss you like so so so much" unnie told me while doodling stuffs at my back using her fingers "I miss you too unnie" I said and looked down on her admiring her beautiful face while kissing her forehead

"were you that bored that you had to sneak in your parents room to get your phone and text me to come sleep with you in bed?" She spoke slightly pulling away from the hug

"oh unnie it was like hell I'm glad you came even though you might get sick because of me" I whispered with guilt "it's fine sweetheart I wanted to see you anyways so don't be guilty I'm gonna be fine okay?" I just nodded and put my face on her neck inhaling her good scent

"Do you want me to sing Disney songs again?" She suddenly said which got me excited and eagerly nodded at her so she giggled softly and spoke again "You really love Disney huh" and once again I nodded "more than me?" She said which made me had second thoughts

"Unnie can you not ask questions like that? You know I love Disney" I said and noticed her face slightly saddened
"Oh alright then" she said and was about to release the hug but I didn't let her and instead hugged her tightly

"But you do know I love you more than anything right? even Disney's a second choice if I had to pick between the both of you" I whispered straight away and saw her blushing

Ha! Making Yuju unnie blush is a success!

"Now who's blushing?" I said teasingly she playfully smack my arm and we both laughed it off "I love this I wish we always stay like this yewonie" yuju unnie said looking straight into my eyes "I love it too unnie" I smiled then looked at her until we didn't notice our lips getting closer

Until it did, it was a soft and loving kiss without anything but love in it I love unnie's lips its so softtt we kissed until we had to part coz we runnin out of oxygen stared into each other's eyes and wished time would stop to this one

"I love you yewon" Yuju unnie said pecking my lips again "I love you too unnie" I responded and we both closed our eyes holding each other in our arms as our breathing goes even and slowly going to dreamland together


Woop idk what I wrote it's not that long but yeah hope y'all like it stay tuned for more and yes sinrin smut next hehe its good to be back writing on this book WAHHHH ok byeeee

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