SINUMJU- Make You Stay (PART 2)

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Umji was outside Sinb's penthouse hesitating if she should go see her or not since it has been a few days since Sinb and Umji met and ever since that day Sinb has been avoiding Umji and wasn't replying to all her texts and calls making her more frustrated and guilty

"Fuck it I'll just go aish" Umji uttered as she walked forward and entered the building riding the elevator up Sinb's floor her hands were sweaty as hell because of her being too nervous and her knees were shaking as if she was about to collapse on the floor

When she got to her floor she warily walked towards the door and rang the doorbell with her shaky hands but a few minutes later and no one was opening the door so she was about to leave when someone called her "Excuse me? were you the one ringing the doorbell?"

She turned to look at the girl who had just opened the door observing her look, seeing her really white skin and looked like she was the richest girl in the world with her awesome visual too

"oh uh a-am I at the wrong floor? this is where Sinb lives r-right?" the girl looked at Umji and smiled "oh are you perhaps Umji?" umji just nodded shock that the girl knew her

"can you wait while I call Sinb?" and again she nodded at the girl slightly confused that the girl was bringing her phone out

"Eunnie! Where are you? Someone's looking for you~" Eunnie? Only I get to call her that!

The girl who was on the phone smiled towards Umji while she awkwardly smiled back not noticing that the call she did had already ended clearly too immersed in thinking about why the girl called Sinb "Eunnie" because as she knows only a few people gets to call her that and it kinda made her a little jealous to know someone can just freely call her that to even have catch what they talked about on the phone call

"Yeah Sinb's not here as you have seen and she said she'd talk to you later? I don't know what that means" the short haired girl spoke when she noticed the awkward silence from earlier earning a nod from Umji as she said her goodbye

"Oh is that so? Alright thank you, I'll take my leave" she slightly bowed at the girl while the girl nodded and waved her off she went back to her car and went straight to her office setting aside the Sinb problem for later.

As she parked her car and went out of the vehicle she heard someone shouting her name so she turned to look at the said person

"Umji!" Yuju shouted as she dashed towards Umji's side

"What do you want?" Umji uttered to the girl in front of her as she stared at her bitterly.

speaking of her, Yuju was also persistent in not leaving her side for a few days now and she couldn't force her to leave because of her stubbornness.

Yuju didn't mind the stare and took Umji's hand then placed the cup with hot coffee on it then spoked

"Well....since you don't want to be with me again, I'll just stay until you do!"

"Aren't you like busy or something can you stop bothering me?"

"My promotions and all that stuff are done so I'm free for the whole month! That's why I'll stick with you and be your personal assistant whether you like it or not" Yuju said enthusiastically while smiling like a little puppy "besides a lot would die to be in your position right now so make the most out of it" she spoke again then winked at Umji.

Umji just sighed and whispered "God, help me with this weirdo" before she composed herself then faced Yuju

" thanks, I'll die because of your stubbornness" Yuju just shrugged and kept smiling

Umji just rolled her eyes when Yuju followed her as she started walking towards her company building occasionally greeting her staff when she passes by, some of them getting shocked when they see who was behind Umji and was also confused why a superstar was following their boss like a little puppy

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