SINRIN- Wish I Could've Protected You

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They say that if you want to know what a person truly wants or feels look into their eyes and from that you'll see the truth......

Your eyes were closed, far from what I was used to, those times when they'd sparkle every time you talk. They're now gone. Those times it'll lit up with each and every time we spent together, the times when you'd give me the look of encouragement whenever I feel down

I'm sorry my love

I failed to protect that smile of yours that pure look of happiness within your eyes....


"Sinb!!!" You ran up to me embracing me with the tightest hug while giving me your signature eye smile "I missed you so so so much!! How was your day?"

"It was fine" I replied so coldly

"Have you eaten yet? Want me to reheat the food? Then let's watch a movie!!" You were so enthusiastic even though you probably had a long day too

"I'm actually really tired Yerin unnie, can we just turn in for the night? Let's talk tomorrow okay?"

I probably made you wait the whole night and your eyes clearly showed exhaustion yet you still manage to smile so brightly "oh okay you're probably really tired, you should go rest" then you kissed my cheeks and intertwined our hands


Without knowing how you feel I pushed you away....

how I wished I could travel back in time and tell you how sorry I am


How couldn't I noticed all the things you do for me? Why didn't I appreciate it more

I wish I could've loved you more

I wish I gave more attention to you


"Sinb, aren't you forgetting something?" You looked at me a hint of sadness in your eyes yet it was so fast that I couldn't even tell if you did that as your eyes looked happy again

"Forgetting what?" I asked confused, you just smiled and replied "oh nothing, never mind, you should go you'll be late for work!"

"I love you!" You shouted at me full of joy yet I just nodded and took off, seeing your frowning face at the side mirror of my car.

Were you crying that time? I wish I could've said I love you back....


"S-Sinb?" I pulled away shocked knowing that I messed up, seeing you stand by the door your eyes showing pure sadness and betrayal, you drop the things you where holding, stopping tears from leaving your eyes but you couldn't as you turned into a crying mess

"How c-could y-you?" Your voice cracked sounding hurt as you shook your head when I try to approach you telling you that I could explain

"Stop! Stop with the lies and all this crap Eunbi! This is great! What a good present for our anniversary! Thanks for ruining it! You know what?? we're done!" I chased and held you back but you kept removing my arms "I-I'm sorry" I uttered almost inaudible

And you looked at me tears in your eyes "Sorry wouldn't fix anything now would it? You officially broke me Eunbi, I-I give u-up in trying to u-understand you Eun I'm tired I hate y-you!" Your voice was cracking as you finally succeeded in removing my arms from you

Full of anger in your voice you ran out of the house with me chasing after you

I wished I got to you faster....with everything happening too fast I couldn't keep up, the only word coming out of my mouth was your name as I felt numb, my heart was beating so fast I thought it was gonna come out.


Regrets filled my heart as I walked inside the silent room and there you were still waiting for me like you always do.

You would always wait no matter how long I take, you were always there with your arms wide open and you wore that smile that I fell in love with, no matter how tired you are, you waited for me

I'm sorry if I hadn't done the same for you

Now you were no longer full of life, no more smiles, instead there you were lying down in a cold metal bed

Your body was pale and your eyes weren't shining, it was closed, it felt cold inside the room, it was suffocating me, I couldn't approach your body as I stayed by the corner, standing there, crying silently, while watching your parents mourn. Thinking how much I regretted everything....

One second you were happy

The next one you were gone.... I lost you

And it was all my fault

I'm sorry for not giving everything you deserve in this world

I hope in your next life, you find someone who will love you more than I can.

But if my wish could be granted, And if I could turn back time I would wish a thousand times to be better for you so that I could've protected you....


Okay I was bored so I tried doing this lololol it's bad but yeah I'm experimenting my writing skills coz I feel like I really need to improve coz my chapters gets way messier in plot and becomes plain and boring HAAHAHAH and also I'm trying to find what would be good for the future chapters of this book lmao so if y'all have suggestions feel free to chat me or comment lol byeeeee

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