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(Idk what this is, hope y'all like it, lol and yeah this is long so I'm cutting it to two parts it's kinda trash tho but yeah enjoy!)

"You don't understand Umji this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! If I do this I can finally reach my dream!" The older said trying to calm the younger one down.

"Oh I understand Yuju, what I don't, is you not telling me your plan and you thinking that I would just accept it right after you slap it in my face!" The younger was walking back and forth clearly fuming with madness.

"I thought you'll be happy for me! I wanted it to be a surprise" Yuju said slumping on the sofa and trying to make the younger sit on the sofa by pulling her wrist down.

"I would if you told me earlier and consulted me first with the decisions your going to make! You're moving hundreds of miles away from me and you leave in two days! TWO DAYS AND YOU'RE ONLY TELLING ME THIS NOW?!"

Yuju held Umji's hand then calmly spoke "Umji I want to do this, we...we could make this work right? We always make things work"

"I don't know Yuju,,,,I love you and I support whatever you want to do but you could've at least informed were so distant I couldn't reach you a-anymore we don't even spend time t-together anymore" Umji said as tears start to fold her face

"Umji, I didn't mean to be distant you know that...I just- This dream means a lot to me and this opportunity is pretty big, know I love you right?" She said as she caress her hand placing their intertwined hands close to her lap.

"I know....but maybe.....maybe love isn't enough to fix us Yuju....but if this makes you happy then I'll gladly let you go"

"U-Umji a-are you breaking up with me?" Yuju whispered as her voice cracked

"M-Maybe this is what's b-best for us" the younger uttered looking away from her girlfriend's face

Yuju shooked her head and went closer to Umji "No...Umji don't do this hmm? We...we would make this work trust me"

Umji just sadly smiled and pulled her hand away from the girl in front of her she stood up and kissed the older's head

"We can't....maybe this is the end for us....maybe with this we can learn and try to grow, learn new go accomplish your dream Yuju I'm not stopping you" Umji stop just to sigh and breathe a little before speaking once again

"Achieve what you want....I know you'll do great you're Choi Yuju after all" she smiled at her

Yuju looked straight into her eyes tears kept falling down "I can't, not without you umji we promised we'd grow and learn things together.....I wanted to live in a beautiful mansion after I become successful and just be with you"

"You can Yuju unnie....just not with m-me but you can" she smiled at her and gave one last peck on Yuju's cheeks

"Goodbye my sweet love"


"Umji Let's go your drunk!"

Umji laugh and stared at her best friend "Me?! Psh! I-I'm not! I-I wanna drinbk mhore!"

"No we are going whether you like it or not! Let's Go!" Her best friend started to drag her and bring her on to her back

"Gosh you're drunk as hell Umji" she didn't get a response and just got a grumble from the said girl

"Fuck don't c-choke me y-yah! You're circling your h-hand a-around my neck t-too m-much!"

She tried to remove her hand but the girl on her back was squirming making it hard because she only had one hand and the other was supporting Umji at the back

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