EUNRIN- Never Letting You Go

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Eunha's POV
"EUNBI-YAHH" I heard someone yelled I looked around me and saw Sowon unnie calling me "Unnie? Why are you here? I thought you were with Sinb?"

"I found her Eunha" I stared at her "What!? You're not joking right? Where? Unnie bring me to her!" I said while walking towards her "Wait! Calm your ass down Eunbi" she said stopping me to leave the place we are now.

"How can I calm down?! I've waited for her for years and you expect me to calm down?!" She signaled me to sit down so I did "I still don't exactly know where she is, but all I know is she's here in Seoul" My heart jumped in joy as I heard that I was close to her.

"I'll continue looking for her so you can meet your first lovee" she said teasingly "Thank you unnie for all the help you're the best!" I smiled at her. "No problem Eun, you're like a sister to me! Alright I gotta go my girlfriend's waiting for me" I waved at her and she left.

I got ready for bed and layed down on my bed smiling while thinking of her. Soon enough I dozed off and went to dreamland.


"Where is she Unnie?" I looked at Sowon unnie beside me "I don't know, but it says she was seen playing with little chicks" I giggled remembering her liking towards little chicks and we would always go to the park just to feed one.

We kept searching just to find her but ended up with nothing which kinda disappointed me "Eunha-yah mianhae!(sorry) I literally thought she was gonna be here!" I just smiled at Unnie "it's alright Unnie! Better luck next time I guess, thanks for the help tho unnie!"

She looked at me with a guilty face but I just laughed at her "Unnie I swear it's okay!" She nodded "I hope you find her someday Eunha" she looked sad but then her phone rang she gestured that she has to go so I just smiled and gave a thumbs up

hayss another day not finding her

I miss her alot;;;;


I was in my office studying a paper more spacing off looking at it when my assistant opened the door while knocking "Ms.Jung someone wants to see you" I tilted my head looking at her all confused "Who? Didn't you tell me I have no more appointments left for today?"

She just shrugged "She says she's a friend of yours" I nonchalantly gestured her to let the person in not looking on who was entering as I was not in the mood and looked back on the papers I was reading earlier "Is it a bad timing to go in?"

After hearing that voice my head looked up instantly almost breaking my neck "U-Unnie?" in front of me was someone I've been waiting for "Long time no see lil bunny" the person wearing a beautiful yellow dress spoke as she spread her arms for me to go in.

As if on cue I literally ran as fast as flash towards her engulfing her in a big hug making her step back a little because of the impact "You missed me that much bunny?" I started to lightly tear up "is it really you? Oh my gosh I missed you alot!!!!!" Hugging her so tight not wanting to let go.


"Bunbun let me go drink water I'm thirsty!" She said while slightly giggling, I've been hugging her for about 15 minutes now and I won't be letting go anytime soon. "No! You might leave me alone again! I don't want to lose you anymore!" She kissed my head

"We have plenty of time for cuddles baby, for now why don't we sit down first and talked about stuff don't worry I'm not leaving anymore" she said cupping my face and giving me a small peck on my lips "Oh you better not besides I'm Never letting you go again!"

We walked to the couch me still clinging at her having small talks about what happened to each other for the past 4 years and random kisses on the cheeks, feeling contented that she's back

It's as if we've never even got separated.


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